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Sedge Lawn Substitute: Tips For Growing Native Sedge Lawns
If necessary, work in some grit to help enhance drainage.Plant your sedge several inches apart to allow for growth. Sedge as a lawn is lush with color and movement, and it's low maintenance.
Chamomile Lawn Plants: Tips For Growing Chamomile Lawns
It is grown not only for decorative purposes, but this type of chamomile is used for its herbal, medicinal qualities. The plants should be of sufficient size to plant out in the lawn area by late spring.A new chamomile lawn should not be walked on for...
Deadnettle Ground Cover: Growing Deadnettle As Lawn Substitute
Deadnettle lawn alternatives are low-growing, blooming plants that produce silvery, blue-green or variegated foliage and flowers of purple, white, pink or silver, depending on the variety.
Liriope Lawn Substitute – Tips For Growing Lilyturf Lawns
There are several species, any of which would be excellent groundcover or substitute for traditional turf grass. Rake out the area to be planted and add a good topsoil layer of at least 3 inches.Liriope divides easily for more plants or you can get flats...
Meadow Lawn Alternative: Learn About Planting A Meadow Lawn
Planting a meadow lawn is a lot of hard work initially, but once established, it requires very little upkeep. Explain the many benefits of planting a meadow lawn. Native meadow plants require plenty of light and air, so be sure you have an open, sunny...
Habiturf Lawn Care: How To Create A Native Habiturf Lawn
Bush Presidential Center in Dallas, Texas. Here's some scary facts about those traditional lawns: According to the EPA, lawn care equipment emits eleven times the pollution of cars and lawns in the United States use more water, fertilizer and pesticides...
Moss As Lawn Substitute: How To Grow A Moss Lawn
For the rest of us, moss can be a great alternative to that high maintenance grass. Using moss as lawn provides wonderful springy groundcover which can be walked on moderately, a no mow alternative and rich, deep color and texture.
Using Thyme For Lawn Substitute: Growing A Creeping Thyme Lawn
Of course, you can always go with the easy, albeit not so eco-friendly method of multiple. Planting a creeping thyme lawn with plants set 6-12 inches apart can be pricey, but then again, if you have looked into reseeding or of lfor an entire turf lawn,...
Green Carpet Lawn Alternative: Learn About Herniaria Lawn Care
Dividing the plant to cover a larger area is easy.produces tiny, inconsequential white or lime-green blooms in early summer, but the flowers are so small, you may not notice them. A lush, manicured lawn is a point of pride for many homeowners, but that...
Alternatives To Grass: Learn About Lawn Alternatives In Cold Climates
They need an occasional rinse with the hose tofreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Various types of mulch also provide alternatives to lawns.
Non Plant Alternatives To Lawn Grass
In fact, there are numerous plants that thrive in these types of environments. Hard surfaces such as stones, gravels, or pebbles can be just as effective. They are also easy to apply and relatively inexpensive, depending on what you choose and how you...
High Traffic Lawn Options: What Are Some Lawn Alternatives In Play Areas
Is not a new concept, but what about those high traffic areas? Let's explore lawn alternatives for heavy traffic areas like these.Grass lawns are high maintenance with mowing, watering, fertilizing and edging, and they are expensive to keep pest and weed...
Blue Star Creeper Plant Care – Using Blue Star Creeper As A Lawn
If you're thinking about making the change, consider blue star creeper as grass alternative. If conditions are just right, blue star creeper will produce tiny blue blooms throughout spring and summer.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Wildflower Lawns: Tips On Growing Flowering Lawns
Mixseed with sand and broadcast by hand over the bare spots in autumn.What wildflowers should you try? Wildflower lawns or areas of flowering lawn weeds can be charming and easy-maintenance once established.” may call to mind a scraggly, ugly plant...
Plant Alternatives To Traditional Lawn Grass
You can even mix in some flowers andWant to add a delightful fragrance? You can even choose afreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });is a creeping evergreen that works well in both sun and shade.
Best Stepable Plants: Learn About Plants That Can Be Walked On
This plant, which grows in5 through 8, withstands considerable foot traffic. Corsican mint can be slightly invasive, but as a general rule, it tends to be better behaved than most of its mint-family cousins.
Using Lawn Substitutes For Your Yard
These days there's a lot of controversy surrounding using grass in your lawn, especially in areas where water is restricted. If you live in an area that requires you to restrict your water usage or an area that has frequent ozone alerts, a lawn substitute...
What Is A No-Mow Lawn: Tips For Creating A No-Mow Lawn
They can provide solutions for moisture conservation, natural habitat, soil amendment and reduce the need for pesticides and herbicides., of which several species are useful as low-growing plants with a clumping and spreading character.
Lawn Alternative Plants For The South: Alternative Lawn Ideas In Warm Climates
Depending on the plant you choose, they can also serve as wildlife habitat.On the other hand, a dense lawn is a clean air factory, converting much more air than most of the alternatives.
Grass Fungus Treatment – Learn More About Common Lawn Diseases
This will result in a thin looking lawn.Leaf Spot grass fungus treatment consists of proper care of the lawn. This disease commonly appears in lawns with major thatch presence.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Tips For Growing Grass In Shady Areas
The battle will be long and hard, and you will lose.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Even shade tolerant grasses need at least four hours of sunlight per day.
How Do I Dispose Of Sod: Tips On What To Do With Removed Sod
The easiest thing to do with freshly dug sod is to reuse it. Weight the edges down against the ground with stones or cinder blocks. Stack more pieces of sod on top of it, all face down.
Lawn Fertilizer Tips: When And How To Apply Lawn Fertilizer
Some of our fondest memories are connected to our lawns. With a drop spreader, you have to make two trips over the lawn at right angles. It's a great place to roughhouse with kids and dogs, entertain guests, or simply sit and enjoy life.
Thatch In Lawns – Getting Rid Of Lawn Thatch
There is nothing like the feel of fresh, green grass between bare toes, but the sensory feeling is transformed to one of puzzlement when the lawn is spongy. Getting rid of lawn thatch takes several steps and a resolute gardener.
Brown Lawn Care: Reasons For Dying Grass And How To Treat
Depending on your particular circumstances, generally, yes. That being said, you should try and pinpoint what is causing the browning in the first place.: This a big problem across much of the country these days, and drought is one of the primary reasons...
Does Artificial Turf Harm Tree Roots: Tips For Installing Artificial Grass Near Trees
In a perfect world, we would all have perfectly manicured, lush green lawns regardless of what climate we live in. You can actually have that perfect, maintenance-free lawn with artificial turf.
Epsom Salt Lawn Care: Tips On Using Epsom Salt On Grass
It is touted as a safe, natural product that can be used to increase everything from seed germination, nutrient absorption, growth, and general health of lawns and plants. If you have a sprinkler system, lightly sprinkle directly atop the grass and then...