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Winter is Temporary
(As was the imminent discovery that my car's driver's side door was frozen solid—it finally thawed Thursday morning, making for some interesting car entries in the early part of the week.) I begrudgingly scraped my car out of the ice and climbed in...
What is Homeopathy?
One of the complementary therapies our mom uses is homeopathy. Suggested uses and dosages are printed on remedy labels, but those are only guidelines. Homeopathy was very popular during the 19th century, when one in five doctors was a homeopathic physician.
Is Winterberry Toxic?
Children are particularly susceptible to adverse effects. Keep fallen leaves and berries cleaned up from the ground to prevent accidental ingestion. Ingestion can cause dizziness, stomach pain, diarrhea, high pulse rate, nausea, drowsiness and low blood...
Santa Monica
Dreaming is Planning
It may not necessarily be a concrete one, but where else do ideas begin if not with thoughts and dreams? The same goes for heirloom vegetable varieties or that redesigned compost pile : all of the hard work you put into farming stems from a dream, and...
What Is Ashitaba?
If you live in a colder area of the United States, you might grow it outside and heavily mulch it in the winter months or plan to bring it inside. Nutritional Powerhouse Traditionally, ashitaba leaf was used for longevity and rejuvenation in Japan.
Is That Bug What I Think It Is?
First, the legs of these particular insects were too short and dark in color. They often can point you to a entomological expert who may be able to look at a photo or examine a captured specimen to help you determine what insect you're dealing with and...
Is Ground Frozen Solid: Determining If Soil Is Frozen
Determining if the soil is frozen is paramount to your garden's success.Just walking across your soil or patting it with your hand will give away whether it is still frozen or not.
What Is Damping Off?
However, portions of the roots and stems can still be attacked, resulting in poor growth and reduced yields.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });So what does damping off look like?
Is Your Compost Safe?
Just make sure that the compost you apply to your gardens is safe.International Association of Certified Home Inspectors If no testing is done on finished compost how are we to know if someone with a communicable disease has left bacteria or a virus on...
El Segundo
Is Your Turkey Green?
Heritage turkeys have a long productive life span measured in years and are very suitable for free-range, giving them a pasture diet and thus meat with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids.Ten different turkey breeds are classified as heritage turkeys,...
El Segundo
Laurel Is a Keeper
Be as it may, important is that nothing bad happened. His uncle was responsible for providing all groceries, while I was responsible for selling and counting inventory. But they only bought candies, crackers, snacks, chocolate, wafers or other sweets.
El Segundo
Is Lucky Bamboo Poisonous?
The leaves often have silver or white strips through the center. It is not native to Asia, and is closely related to the lily. Three stalked plants are given for luck, five stalks are said to represent wishes of wealth and seven stalks are thought to...
Santa Monica
What Is Plant Diversity?
It's worth your time to seek out different species, especially native species; not only will this help in creating biodiversity in your community, but it will also reward you with fewer garden pests and plant problems.
Santa Monica
What Is Fallow Ground?
Only one-third of the arable land went unused.For many years, allowing land to stay fallow was considered a last resort for farmers and gardeners. Production won out over soil health.
Santa Monica
What Is Okoume Wood?
It is considered very soft, rendering it unsuitable for use in situations requiring durability, such as flooring. It is not suitable for steam bending. Fresh-cut Okoume heartwood darkens with age and exposure to light and air.
Santa Monica
She ... Is a He!
Now if I could just get that rooster to help… << More Dirt on Gardening >> I don't mind him going into someone's soup pot, but I'd much prefer he find a nice home somewhere where he can ‘cockadoodledoo' to his heart's content and not anger the neighbors.
Pleasure is a Novelty
« More Farm Inspiration » Tags farm inspiration , food , Robert South quote , vegetables I was also not the most adventurous kid. (By this point, it's doubtful that I'll ever come around to beets, fennel or especially coconuts.) I've come around to...
Is Bougainvillea Deer Resistant?
It can also be grown indoors year-round. Although deer may occasionally munch on bougainvillea, they usually don't like the plant enough to destroy it. For this reason, bougainvillea is often grown in a container and brought indoors for the winter.
Santa Monica
What Is Alkaline pH?
This method works well but takes time to have its affect. A more accurate and detailed analysis can obtained by sending a soil sample to a testing laboratory. Hydrogen chloride (HCl) becomes hydrochloric acid when dissolved in water to form H+ and Cl-...
Santa Monica
Why Mulching Is Important
As the season goes on, adjust the amount of mulch used to reflect the climate—deep mulch for hot, dry climates and light mulch for cool, wet climates. Fall Mulching Fall is an excellent time to feed the soil in the vegetable garden.
Avast! Insulation is Complete!
And you can't talk about insulation without talking about R-values. In our zone-4 abode, the minimum recommended R-value is 25. (Check with your local utility company and the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Energ y to see if your project...
Which Chick Is Which?
If they're diverse enough, you'll know which is which the moment you pry open the shipping box. Are the chicks known to be short and round, or tall and thin? Compare Them To Photos Thousands of chick and chicken photos are available online for comparison.
What is Sugar Cane?
Sugar makers clean the juice with slaked lime, which settles the dirt and other particles suspended in the juice. It can take six to 24 months for the plant to grow to maturity.Sugar cane is harvested when it reaches maturity and during the dry season...
Santa Monica
Is Vinca Deer-Resistant?
From white to shocking pink, the varieties range in height from 1 to 1 1/2 feet tall. Other varieties include Jaio Scarlet Eye, Peppermint Cooler and the unusual Blue Pearl, which is an F-1 hybrid with light blue blooms.
Santa Monica
What Is Vegetable Ghee?
It is also used as a spread on bread or vegetables.Both traditional ghee and vegetable ghee have a texture and appearance similar to lard. The liquid is then separated from the solid and packaged as ghee.Vegetable ghee is a vegetarian alternative to this...
Santa Monica
What Is Deer Corn?
These grain blocks provide a longer-lasting source of food for the deer. Corn is a demanding crop that is best grown on well drained, highly enriched soils, and it does not tolerate drought, making supplemental watering during dry spells necessary.There's...
Santa Monica
Is Agave a Cactus?
Dependent on the species, the majority of cacti flower on a regular basis.Another significant difference between an agave and the cactus are leaves -- the agave possesses leaves and the cactus does not.
Santa Monica