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Spring Bedding Plants

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The Difference Between Flowers & Weeds
Similar to garden plants, weeds can produce colorful flowers and attract beneficial insects, like bees and butterflies, to the yard. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources notes that one mature purple loosestrife plant can produce more than 2 million...
Santa Monica
How to Grow a Magnolia Tree From a Cutting
Sweetbay magnolias will grow in USDA zones 6 through 9.If you plant more than one magnolia cutting, make sure they're spaced far enough apart to let sunlight reach their leaves, but they should not be in direct sunlight.
Santa Monica
Why Is My Sweet Potato Vine Brown?
Pull it up and discard it. Blackened or mushy leaves indicate that the plant has frozen and will not recover. There is no cure for these diseases. As the nematodes feed, the plant is unable to take up water and nutrients, and eventually dies.
Santa Monica
Common Characteristics in Horsetail Plants
In the early spring horsetails grow single stems each of which bears a reproductive cone called a strobilus. Branching, underground horsetail rhizomes grow up to 3 feet deep and contain nodes that can grow new plants.Because of the high concentration...
Santa Monica
How to Make Potash Fertilizer
Wood ashes contain oxides and carbonates that act as natural liming agents, causing the soil to be more alkaline. This fertilizer was exported from the United States to Great Britain in such high demand that the era was dubbed "potash fever." The demand...
Santa Monica
Plants that Benefit from Pine Needle Mulch
If there is sufficient room between the tree's roots, you can plant these flowers directly to the soil. If your yard is covered with pine needles from several mature pine trees, use the needles as mulch rather than bagging and discarding them.
Santa Monica
Does Lavender Die in the Winter?
Amend clay soil to allow for good drainage. The planted stems should root in less than a month. Try adding lavender buds to marinades and sauces, vegetables and meats in place of regularly used herbs.
Santa Monica
How to Make Ginger Start to Grow Roots
Gingerbread, ginger snaps and ginger ale are familiar products made from the root, or rhizome, of the ginger plant (Zingiber officinale). Ginger is a tropical plant that thrives outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through...
Santa Monica
How to Plant Potatoes in Tennessee
While raking, remove any debris and pulverize any soil clumps so the area is even and fine-textured.Purchase seed potatoes at the garden center. Rather than growing these vegetables from seeds, gardeners purchase small, healthy tubers called seed potatoes,...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Potted Hyanciths
Caring for the potted hyacinth properly during the flowering period helps prolong the life of the blossoms.Potted hyacinths provide some of the first flowers of spring.Set the hyacinth pot in an area that receives bright sunlight until the bulbs begin...
Santa Monica
Is the Flower Marigold an Annual or a Perennial?
The French marigold is generally around or under 1 foot tall with flowers that are about 2 inches across. Marigolds are a member of the Tagetes genus and have large, bulging flowerheads ranging in color from yellow to red.
Santa Monica
Where Are Raspberry Seeds Located on the Fruit?
Cultivated summer-bearing and ever-bearing raspberries canes are purchased and grown by home gardeners. A home cook will construct a bag from cloth and fill it with the cooked raspberry mixture, squeeze it and extract the seed-free fruit juice.
Santa Monica
How Snow Affects Grass Seed
The intention with these types of grasses is to hibernate the seed for a short period before spring comes and the snow melts. This gives plenty of time for hungry birds and other animals to find and eat the seeds.
Santa Monica
Do Zucchini & Cucumbers Mix in the Garden?
Zucchinis also like full sun, but wait until the soil is at least 75 degrees Fahrenheit, otherwise seeds may not spout. Everyone knows the joke about finding a bulbous zucchini on the doorstep left behind by a generous neighbor who has planted too much...
Santa Monica
The Best Way to Root a Jasmine Vine
Take hardwood jasmine cuttings during the spring dormant season prior to bud break by cutting a section of stem that is 6 to 8 inches in length with a pruning clipper. Fill a plastic rooting tray with the moistened medium and carefully stick each cutting...
Santa Monica
Duranta Plant Care
Do not allow clumps of fertilizer to stay on the ground or scatter the fertilizer near the trunk because it can burn the roots. Always sterilize pruning equipment before and after using it by wiping it with a cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol.Avoid planting...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Hawaiian Chili Peppers
When the seedlings are outside for a full 24 hours, you can plant them outside.Dig a hole in your prepared bed with the trowel or garden shovel. After three days, increase the time to four hours.
Santa Monica
Differences Between Conifers & Flowering Plants
But conifer seeds are not enclosed in the plant's fruit. Many evergreens are conifers, like the Norway spruce (Picea abies), which grows in USDA zones 2b through 7a, and the coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), which grows in USDA zones 7 through 10a.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Peppers
They do best when night temperatures stay consistently above 55 degrees Fahrenheit. They also needin the garden. But the vast range of other garden peppers available are gaining traction as essential parts of different ethnic eating experiences.
Santa Monica
List of Bulb Plants
Camassia is native to North America and tolerates clay or wet soil conditions. In fact, the bulb actually contains a miniature plant, which emerges as it is nourished. They grow well in full and partial sun in USDA zones 3 through 10.
Santa Monica
How to Plant Citronella
If you prefer, make a mix for them from garden loam, using 1 part loam, 1 part peat moss or compost and 1 part perlite or coarse sand. The scented geranium is also called mosquito plant (Pelargonium citrosum "Van Leenii"), while the scented grasses are...
Santa Monica
How to Plant Cockscomb Flowers
Plant the cockscombs at the same level in the ground they were growing in their containers, spaced 10 to 12 inches apart or according to the instructions on the label or seed packet.
Santa Monica
How to Care for a Chinese Lantern Plant
Allow 2 to 3 feet between plants. Tidy your Chinese lantern's inground bed this way several times per year. Mix the spring dose of fertilizer -- 1/10 pound of 10-10-10 per 10 square feet -- with the soil when the plants are out of the ground, and water...
Santa Monica
Types Of Vinca
You can find cultivars with variegated leaves and a variety of blossom colors.The bigger-leafed version of common periwinkle is greater periwinkle _(_Vinca major). You can even grow them in sunny spots.Common periwinkle is amazingly hardy in cold climates,...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Aeonium
During the summer, water aeoniums in the garden so soil is moist 1 inch deep whenever the soil looks dry. Bring potted aeoniums indoors or place them against a sheltered, south-facing wall until the cold weather passes.Overwatering is the No. 1 problem...
Santa Monica
How to Divide Rhizomes
The best time for dividing rhizomes depends on the type of rhizomes being divided. The time to divide plants is usually in spring or fall. Plants that grow from rhizomes and tubers are also good candidates for propagation by cutting.
Santa Monica
How to Plant Ranunculus Plants
Mix the organic matter down into the 8- to 10-inch layer of soil. For other sizes, space each hole between 4 to 6 inches apart.Plant one ranunculus tuber with the claw side down into each planting hole.
Santa Monica