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Displaying Horticulture in a Standard Flower Show
Find out about flower shows in your neck of the woods to see if opportunities exist to share your successes with others. Hangers should be removed. In other shows, only club members are allowed to enter.
El Segundo
Deep South Regional Petite Advanced-Standard Flower Show
Her design interpreted "Disneyworld Vacation" and was no greater than 8" in any dimension. In this article, the Section winners for Division I, Design, will be shown. Participating were designers and gardeners from the six-state region, including Alabama,...
El Segundo
Yes, Joyce, there is a Money Tree (Pachira)
A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without express permission of the creator.
El Segundo
The Standard Flower Show - Troughs
Rocks, stones, wood, and other things found in nature could be included. Sometimes it pays to remember that variety adds interest, but too many colors and patterns confuse the eye and destroy unity.
El Segundo
Displays in the Standard Flower Show
Cut specimens in collections are exhibited in transparent bottles or containers and may be provided by the exhibitor or the flower show committee. This article is similar, but its focus is on displays, which differ from collections in several important...
El Segundo
The Taxonomic Conundrum Unraveled
There is no way that all the plant families and all the genera placed within them could be listed on a document that could fit inside a flower show exhibitor'sYou may be thinking to yourself, "How did all this confusion come about?
El Segundo
What is a Standard Flower Show?
The Schedule must be written and mechanically reproduced with specific wording that includes all essential details of the show. Every show is unique and different, and participating in them is an exciting adventure.The pay-off comes at judging time.
El Segundo
Collections for Standard Flower Shows
In the horticulture division of a flower show, one section might offer an opportunity to exhibit a collection of plants grown by an exhibitor. If staging is provided by the committee, it must be described in the schedule, and it must be the same for each...
El Segundo
Glimpse into a Standard Flower Show
The schedule establishes the rules for the show, identifies which exhibits will be accepted, which awards will be offered, and sets the parameters for the floral designs and horticulture exhibits that will be entered.The title of this year's show was...
El Segundo
Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
This will include the tassel on the end and about 6" extra for good measure. Do each of the other sides the same way, being careful to make sure they are even.When the three sides are complete, we will now connect them to hold your planter.
El Segundo
Bad luck with houseplants? Try lucky bamboo
It's all good in the end.Lucky bamboo is sold in some nurseries and flower shops, dollar stores or discount stores. Has your Croton croaked? Some vendors caution about cheap, diseased Chinese stock, claiming that Taiwanese produced material is healthier.Once...
El Segundo
Special Exhibits Division of a Standard Flower Show
The previously mentioned special exhibits may be counted. Even though Artistic Crafts cannot count as a Special Exhibit when applying for NGC Flower Show Achievement Awards, its inclusion in shows is encouraged as it adds interest and offers exhibitors...
El Segundo
A Grapevine Christmas Tree
I had been making grapevine wreaths for years, so making a grapevine tree shouldn't be an insurmountable task.At any rate, one of the most challenging activities that creative folks encounter is figuring out the ways and means to bring our ideas to fruition.
El Segundo
The Special Exhibits Division of a Standard Flower Show
The first gift back pictured won the Artistic Crafts Award. Cover may be laminated. Will be exhibited in a standing position.Each Class consists of four exhibits each for a total of 12 exhibits.
El Segundo
Warm and Cozy Buckwheat Seeds?
I have not been this warm in a very long time.It isn't strange to me anymore, the friendships that are made on Dave's Garden. The other is purposely thinner and can be draped around your neck and even worn outdoors under the collar of a jacket.
El Segundo
Home and Garden Shows; A Spot of Green for Weary Gardeners
The offerings were a wide range of tools, services, landscape material, decorative art, home furnishings and PLANTS! We felt like kids in a candy store, touching leaves, reading tags and talking to nursery owners.
El Segundo
My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
Instead of listening to mindless music radio, I exercised my twig identification skills. Lt's taking my gardening proficiency to the next level. He felt sure that my next phone upgrade should be to a "smart phone," a tool that could give me some of the...
El Segundo
Florileges: A Year-round Tropical Flower Show on Reunion Island
A musical florileges could be a selected choice of highly valuable music pieces, either Beethoven or John Lennon depending on your gusto. Reunion Island hosts many epiphytic and a few terrestrial orchids within its forests, trails and gullies but many...
El Segundo
Botanical Garden Plant Sales ~ A Shopping Frenzy for Gardeners!
The gardens are usually flourishing with a marvelous display of spring blooming plants, trees and shrubs and fall plantings of tulips, daffodils and other favorite bulbs are ablaze at this time of the year.Often busy gardeners don't allow themselves this...
El Segundo
Hummers at your window - a great gift idea!
But they liked the Opus bottle feeder, too. I was fascinated, but wondered if the little birds would really come that close to the house. It had been sitting there for 3 years and I almost forgot about it.
El Segundo
The Standard Flower Show -- Combination Plantings
Since it is a landscape, it can include one or more accessories. Is the identifying card neatly written and easily read?Does the combination planting conform to the schedule requirements as well as NGC rules?
El Segundo
Flower Show Competition
Judges from nearby towns are secured. We approach the posted tabulation board with bated breath. It's almost too easy.We start scouting our yards and grooming our container plants.
El Segundo
Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
I stamped the date of our wedding beneath with a date stamp. That's when I knew I made the right decision in tackling this project.After each pot was fired once, glazing became a mindless, relaxing activity.
El Segundo
Gardening Gifts A to Z
For an instant gift, go to the florist for some cheery yellow forced daffodils.- is one of the terms used to refer to tradtional Christmas cactus. On the other hand, you can start small.
El Segundo
Diana\'s Anise Biscotti
You can also cut them on a diagonal, which makes the cookies larger. Accessed August 25, 2008.Save your money: Delicious cups of wonder from the world of COFFEE Our family's favorite recipe for Sicilian anise toast cookies, Biscotti all'Anice, uses fresh...
El Segundo
What the Gardener Gets for Christmas
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. We don't get the outdoor type that adds whimsy to our gardens. If you've been gardening a few years, you probably have plenty and you got another one this year.
El Segundo
Salvia Delights Gardeners and Wildlife
Salvia species can be found throughout the Old World and in the Americas. For summer-long color, the annuals work nicely. Mouse over the pictures for identification of the plants as well as credits to the following contributors:Htop, Marilynbeth, Lilylover,...
El Segundo