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Roses For Shade

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Heucherella Brass Lantern
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / 1 GAL

Foliage will usually retain some color in cold winter climates such as the St. Louis area. If grown in full sun, consistent moisture is particularly important. Performs well in full sun in the north, but prefers some shade (particularly in the heat of...
Hosta Sum and Substance
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / 1 Gal

These gregarious plants bring vibrant, lively color to any shade garden. Sum and Substance looks best paired with Heuchera Caramel or Obsidian which have dark, textured foliage. Indoor houseplant fertilizers fall into two groups: water soluble, liquid...
Astilbe Snowdrift
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 1 GAL

Like all astilbes, this fine specimen lends a refined presence to semi-shady to shady perennial borders and its graceful flowers flutter in the slightest late spring or early summer breeze.
Hosta Patriot
Prices start at : 18.95 USD / 1 Gal

Hostas are a mainstay of shade gardens or woodland gardens. They can be used as an edging plant or en mass for a showy ground cover. This variety features a mound of large, variegated, oval, which have deep green centers and wide irregular white margins.
Hellebore Ivory Prince
Prices start at : 22.95 USD / 1 Gal

Hybrid hellebores, sometimes commonly called hybrid Lenten roses or hybrid winter roses, are bushy, clump-forming perennials which typically grow to 12-15” tall. It is noted for its burgundy-pink flower buds, its late winter bloom of creamy white flowers...
Hellebore Royal Heritage
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 Gal

An introduction of Wayside Gardens of Hodges, South Carolina. It is a collection of hybrids with a wide variety of flower colors including tones and combinations of purples, reds, near-blacks, whites, greens and pinks.
Hellebore Pine Knot Series
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 1 Gal

Cut back flowering stems after bloom to promote new foliage growth. They are noted for producing single, cup-shaped flowers (typically 2-3” diameter) with five showy, usually overlapping petals (technically sepals), but sometimes come in a double flowered...
Dwarf Mondo Grass
Prices start at : 49.95 USD / Flat (18)

Slow-release fertilizer can help prevent rapid soft growth that is vulnerable to diseases and insects. Starter fertilizer is the best product to use at the time of planting. Mulching helps to keep weeds away which will compete with your new investment...
Autumn Brilliance Fern (Dryopteris erythrosora)
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 Gal

Soils must not be allowed to dry out. Few ferns offer the seasonal color variation that Autumn Brilliance fern do. They thrive in open or dappled shade. Autumn Brilliance fern is noted for its particularly attractive spring frond color which, in comparison...
Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart
Prices start at : 18.95 USD / 1 Gal

It prefers no direct sun—a delight for shade gardeners—and blooms happily in April and May. They prefer moist, humusy soil. With such showy flowers, they deserve to be in the front of the shade garden.
Heuchera Citronelle
Prices start at : 18.95 USD / 1 Gal

The chartreuse foliage will stand out in any shady garden, be it in a pot, garden bed, or as a mass planting. Effective as an edger along paths or walkways. Mass as in a group as a ground cover .
Heuchera Caramel
Prices start at : 18.95 USD / 1 GAL

This shade perennial is a great addition to your yard or landscape. Looks great in containers or as an edging. Heuchera Caramel has purplish-red leaf undersides that offers an attractive contrast, along with white flowers float above the 12″ foliage...
Tassel Fern
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 1 GAL

Originally introduced to North America as a houseplant by experimentally-inclined horticulturists, they were delighted to discover that it is perfectly hardy in Zone 5 and higher. It features shiny, bipinnate, dark green fronds (to 1-2' long) with finely...
Tradescantia Sweet Kate
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 Gal

Few plants shine as brightly as Sweet Kate does in the shade garden. The purple iris like flowers are striking against the gold foliage. Use this native shade lover in open woodland gardens or along streams or ponds.
Dicentra Luxuriant (Bleeding Heart)
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 1 GAL

Plants feature pendant, two-spurred, heart-shaped flowers atop mounds of deeply dissected leaves. Given adequate moisture, foliage remains attractive in summer, and may produce an attractive groundcover effect.
Heuchera Palace Purple
Prices start at : 15.95 USD / 1 Gal

Heuchera Palace Purple Coral Bells has it all—beautiful showy white flowers on wiry purple stems at 18–24″, and purple-bronze broad leaves with a pink underside. Divide clumps in spring every 3-4 years.
Hellebore Orientalis
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / 1 Gal

In the St. Louis area, plants will remain evergreen in moderate winters, but may become scorched and tattered in extremely cold weather, particularly if not insulated by snow cover.
How to Grow a Black Rose Plant
Dig a hole about 4 inches wider than the root ball and as deep as the top of the base of the plant. Most fertilizers are used at the start of the growing season (early spring) and once in the middle of the growing season (mid-summer).Prune your rose bush...
Santa Monica
Popcorn Drift Rose
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

Your Popcorn Drift Rose will grow up to 18 inches in height with an equal spread. It's a tasty treat for the eyes to be sure! A hybrid between traditional roses and groundcover varieties, this diminutive selection is versatile, able to stand alone or...
  • Botanical Name: Rosa 'Novarospop'
  • Soil Type: Well Drained
  • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
  • Flower Color: Yellow
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
Pink Drift Groundcover Rose
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / #1 Container range: 2.3 - 3.7 quarts (2.5 - 4 liters)

Deadheading encourages re-blooming. From the ground-cover roses they kept toughness, disease resistance and winter hardiness. Drift Roses are a cross between full-size groundcover roses and miniatures.
  • Mature Height: 2 - 3 feet
  • Botanical Name: Rosa 'Meijocos'
  • Soil Type: Well Drained
  • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
  • Growth Rate: Medium
Red Knock Out Rose Shrub
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

For winter, the orange hips will seem to pop out amid the dreary landscape like tiny ornaments amid the dark branches. Once you plant this exceptional variety of rose, you'll enjoy sumptuous floral brilliance every year from May until the first frost.
  • Mature Spread: 3 - 4 feet
  • Botanical Name: Rosa KNOCK OUT 'Radrazz'
  • Mature Height: 3 feet
  • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
  • Foliage Color: Slight
Pink Rugosa Rose
Prices start at : 55.95 USD / #2 Container range: 1.2 - 1.8 gallons (5 - 8 liters)

It is salt-tolerant so it is useful in northern climates along roadside or driveways that are being deiced regularly with salt. Stunning Color in a Fast Growing Rose The Rugosa Rose is also called the Saltspray Rose is a favorite shrub rose for creating...
  • Botanical Name: Rosa rugosa
  • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Partial Sun
  • Mature Height: 4 - 6 feet
  • Flower Color: Dark Pink
  • Foliage: Green
Cinco de Mayotm Rose
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #2 Container range: 1.2 - 1.8 gallons (5 - 8 liters)

'Cinco De Mayo' has a mounding habit and works equally well, too, in the border or as a hedge. This is a seedling of 'Julia Child' that puts a whole new spin on ‘flower power'. It takes on a smokier tone in cooler weather.
  • Growth Rate: Medium
  • Flower Color: Red
  • Mature Height: 3 - 4 feet
  • Soil Type: Well Drained
  • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
Marmalade Skiestm Rose Tree Form
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

It only requires occasional pruning to keep its round, topiary-like shape, but that is made all the easier because you will be cutting armloads of the blooms to bring in for your vases and tables anyway.
  • Soil Type: Well-Drained
  • Growth Rate: Medium
  • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Moisture: Moderate
  • Mature Spread: 2 - 3 feet
Zephirine Drouhin Climbing Rose
Prices start at : 63.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

An abundance of 4-inch, deep-pink, semi-double flowers appear in May and continue on until frost. Zephirine Drouhin will grow 10-12 feet, adding height to your garden and elevating its spectacular, floral display to eye-level.
  • Mature Height: 8 - 10 feet
  • Botanical Name: Rosa 'Zephirine Drouhin'
  • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
Livin Easy Rose
Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #2 Container range: 1.2 - 1.8 gallons (5 - 8 liters)

The showy flowers will light up a landscape and it blends beautifully with other colors. This rose is very consistent in all climates and is great in the landscape or in mass plantings.
  • Foliage Color: Moderate
  • Botanical Name: Rosa 'Livin Easy'
  • Mature Height: 4 feet
  • Flower Color: Apricot Orange
Pink Knock Out Rose
Prices start at : 55.95 USD / #2 Container range: 1.2 - 1.8 gallons (5 - 8 liters)

One of the most disease resistant roses on the market! It is very maintenance free and an excellent low hedge or accent rose. If winter's freezing breezes kill the top growth, the rose will grow back in the spring, and the recovered rose will look the...
  • Sun Exposure: Full Sun
  • Mature Height: 2 - 4 feet
  • Botanical Name: Rosa PINK KNOCK OUT 'Radcon'
  • Mature Spread: 1 - 4 feet