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Purple White Calla Lilies

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Tequila Sunrise Calla Lily Mix
Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Bag of 3

This makes callas 'tender bulbs' in most of the country, and they'll have to be lifted out of the ground and stored indoors come fall. The bulbs are irregular, sort of like ginger roots, and several can be planted in the same pot.
  • Soil Moisture: Average, Well Draining
  • Botanical Name: Zantedeschia Tequila Sunrise Mix
  • Poisonous or Toxic to Animals: All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested. Toxic to dog and cats.
  • Plant Type / Life Cycle: Annual
  • Days to Bloom: Blooms in 70-112 days. (10-16 weeks)
  • Bulb Size: 14-16 cm
Mango Calla Lily
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 1

The common white one* is Zantedeschia aethiopica , and like all callas, it's hardy in the US only in Zones 8 through 10. Wonderful in patio pots. Many people grow callas in patio pots, which can be brought in before frost arrives.
  •  Cut Flowers
  •  Containers
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Mature Height: 16-18" tall
  • Foliage: Green upright foliage with white specks.
  • Flower Color: Orange
Do You Deadhead Calla Lily Plants: Removing Spent Blossoms On Calla Lilies
Once you remove the dead flower, the plant can focus on getting ready for next year.The information on deadheading calla lilies is a simple set of instructions. Having a bloom on the plant takes a lot of energy, and the plant can use this energy better...
Calla Lily Care – Tips On Growing Calla Lilies
Although calla lilies can remain in the ground year round in warmer climates, they should beDig up the rhizomes in autumn, usually after the first frost, and shake off any soil. During this time, you should refrain from watering as much to allow the plant...
Calla Lily Varieties – Information About Different Calla Lily Plants
The white calla lily is one of the most well-known and popular varieties, but if you're a fan, check out the many other colorful options.Calla lilies are not true lilies; they belong to the Arum family of plants and the genus.
Calla Lily Watering: How Much Water Do Calla Lilies Need
This South African native, which can reach mature heights of 3 feet (1 m.), is considered a marginal aquatic plant, which means it grows in moist soil along riverbanks, ponds or streams, or around the edge of a water garden or rain garden.While calla...
Albomaculata Calla Lily
Prices start at : 14.98 USD / Bag of 1

Their fluted blooms and refined foliage make them a favorite for floral arrangements, but they also lend a sense of elegance to the landscape. Many people grow callas in patio pots, which can be brought in before frost arrives.
  •  Easy to Grow
  •  Full Sun
  • Soil Type: Clay Soil, Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil
  • Bulb Spacing: 3 bulbs per sq. ft.
  • Planting Time: Spring / Summer
  • Foliage: Green upright foliage with white specks.
Picasso Calla Lily
Prices start at : 14.98 USD / Bag of 1

Their fluted blooms and refined foliage make them a favorite for floral arrangements, but they also lend a sense of elegance to the landscape. Many people grow callas in patio pots, which can be brought in before frost arrives.
  •  Cut Flowers
  •  Rabbit Resistant
  • Soil Moisture: Average, Well Draining
  • Light Requirements: Full Sun
  • Foliage: Green upright foliage with white specks.
  • Flower Color: Purple
Transplanting Calla Lilies: How To Transplant Calla Lily Outside
Plant the rhizomes 3 to 4 inches deep and transplant potted calla lilies into a hole dug to fit the depth of the pot. This article tells you how to transplant calla lilies outside or into pots for indoor or outdoor culture.) is in the spring after all...
Help For Yellowing Calla Lilies: Why Calla Lily Leaves Turn Yellow
A calla lily turning yellow can be an indication of a number of problems, but most of them are easily fixed. If your houseplant or garden list includes calla lily, yellowing leaves can be a sign that something is wrong with your plant.
Dividing Calla Lilies – How And When To Divide Callas
New gardeners might find this method for dividing calla lilies easier since you don't have to identify the eyes. Calla lily division is only necessary when the clumps start to decline, but if you want more rhizomes to fill in the garden, it's safe to...
Green Calla Lily Flowers – Reasons For Calla Lilies With Green Blooms
The long lasting flowers are a florist's dream and potted miniature plants decorate homes across the world. Calla lilies with green blooms are a normal part of the mature plant's life cycle.The plant begins to focus energy on its leaves, which are gathering...
Why Calla Lilies Don\'t Bloom: Making Your Calla Lily Bloom
Allow it to go bone dry. This is especially true for gardeners who grow their calla lilies in containers. When they fail to bloom, it is due to one of three reasons. This reason is that they do not get a dormant period in order to prepare for a blooming...
Calla Buds Not Blooming – Reasons Why Calla Lily Buds Don\'t Open
It's also important to know that the bulb of the calla lily stores nutrients over the winter, which comes from the leaves. Use a balanced fertilizer in early spring. This may be the case if this is the first year you put the plant in your garden.
Calla Lily Seed Info: How To Grow A Calla Lily From Seed
Seeds can be purchased from catalogs or garden centers or acquired from mature seedpods on your existing plants. Check the seeds in a few days for growth. It is necessary to wait until the seedpods are thoroughly dry before removing them from the parent...
Odessa Calla Lily
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 1

Their fluted blooms and refined foliage make them a favorite for floral arrangements, but they also lend a sense of elegance to the landscape. Many people grow callas in patio pots, which can be brought in before frost arrives.
  • Planting Depth: Bulbs/Tubers should be planted 3-4" below the soil line.
  • Days to Bloom: Blooms in 70-112 days. (10-16 weeks)
  • Poisonous or Toxic to Animals: All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested. Toxic to dog and cats.
  • Bulb Size: 14-16 cm
  • Plants for Small Spaces: Yes
  • Advantages: Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant, Easy to Grow, Cut Flowers, Containers, Plants for Small Spaces
Calla Lily Problems: Reasons Why My Calla Lily Is Drooping
Calla lily problems arise when the plant is over or under watered. Store where temperatures are not freezing and the area is dry.Replant the bubs in spring as soon as soil temperatures have warmed to at least 60 F.
Calla Lily Hardiness: Will Calla Lilies Come Back In Spring
It depends on how you treat your plant and where you put it for the winter.Keeping callas year round is possible, but how you treat your plant to get blooms again next year will depend on your hardiness zone.
Feeding Calla Lilies : How To Fertilize Calla Lily Plants
Calla lily fertilization should also be done at planting.Feeding calla lily plants at planting and again each spring can help promote huge blooms with more flower production. Plants that remain in the soil benefit from mulch over their root zone.
Nashville Calla Lily
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 1

The common white one* is Zantedeschia aethiopica , and like all callas, it's hardy in the US only in Zones 8 through 10. Bring this beautiful bi-colored flower indoors to show off its stand-alone elegance in a simple vase.
  •  Neonicotinoid-Free
  •  Deer Resistant
  • Poisonous or Toxic to Animals: All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested. Toxic to dog and cats.
  • Planting Time: Spring / Summer
  • Flower Size: 3-5" flowers
  • Light Requirements: Full Sun
Purple Rain Calla Lily Mix
Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Bag of 3

Their fluted blooms and refined foliage make them a favorite for floral arrangements, but they also lend a sense of elegance to the landscape. Many people grow callas in patio pots, which can be brought in before frost arrives.
  •  Cut Flowers
  •  Deer Resistant
  • Mature Height: 14-20" tall
  • Bloom Time: Mid summer until frost
  • Flower Color: Mixed
  • Planting Depth: Bulbs/Tubers should be planted 3-4" below the soil line.
Best Gold Calla Lily
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 1

Deer resistant and a bouquet favorite. Their fluted blooms and refined foliage make them a favorite for floral arrangements, but they also lend a sense of elegance to the landscape.
  •  Neonicotinoid-Free
  •  Easy to Grow
  • Mature Height: 14-18" tall
  • Bloom Time: Mid summer until frost
  • Foliage: Green upright foliage with white specks.
  • Planting Time: Spring / Summer
Orange Blend Calla Lily Mix
Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Bag of 3

This makes callas 'tender bulbs' in most of the country, and they'll have to be lifted out of the ground and stored indoors come fall. The bulbs are irregular, sort of like ginger roots, and several can be planted in the same pot.
  •  Neonicotinoid-Free
  •  Containers
  •  Full Sun
  •  Easy to Grow
  • Soil Type: Clay Soil, Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil
  • Plant Type / Life Cycle: Annual
Salsa Calla Lily Mix
Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Bag of 3

If you plant your bulbs in spring, you'll have flowers in about 65-75 days. Growing Callas: Ever since Katherine Hepburn whispered, "The Calla Lilies are in bloom again," in one of her old films (Stage Door, 1937), American gardeners have thought of them...
  • Mature Height: 14-20" tall
  • Deer Resistant: Yes
  • Botanical Name: Zantedeschia Salsa Mix
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Advantages: Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant, Easy to Grow, Cut Flowers, Containers
  • Bulb Size: 14-16 cm
White Florist Calla Lily
Prices start at : 16.98 USD / Bag of 1

Plant 'White Florist' in a big pot on your patio, give it plenty of water and stand back! (Zantedeschia aethiopica) It'll give you magnificent blooms. Sometimes the clumps grow 36' high.
  • Advantages: Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant, Easy to Grow, Cut Flowers, Containers
  • Additional Information: Perennial in zones 8-10. Annual in zones 3-7.
  • Flower Size: 5-10" flowers
  • Mature Height: 24-36" tall
  • Botanical Name: Zantedeschia aethiopica
  • Bulb Spacing: 3 bulbs per sq. ft.
Blushing Beauties - Pink varieties of Zantedeschia aethiopica
It does not take much imagination to picture a large planting of these beauties, in a border under glass or outside, wherever this can be achieved. Under cover, such as in a greenhouse they perform superbly, while outdoors in containers they merely need...
El Segundo
Calla Lilly Bulbs/ Bulbettes
Price : CALL

Please contact me if you have any to sell. Looking for black or maroon calla lilly bulbs or bulbettes. I am interested in unique colors, including black, maroon, orange, and red. Looking for calla lilly bulbs, tubers, seeds to buy for cash.
United States