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Tools for Making Applesauce
This ingenious device removes the entire peel in a spiral while spiral-slicing the whole apple and cutting out the core, just with a few turns of the handle. This is a particularly good way to use those lumpy or dimpled apples that are too much trouble...
El Segundo
Growing Apples in Florida: It can be done
Wrapping the lower trunks with plasticwill prevent them from gnawing the bark from the tree.For more information on problems affecting apple trees in Florida, contact your local County Cooperative Extension OfficeGrowing your own backyard apple orchard...
El Segundo
The Little Apple that Could: the story of the \
When cooked, slices of this apple hold their shape and texture. Regional varieties of fruits and vegetables draw people to farmers? Other than the Heyser Farms' orchards, I think it's grown only in one other location (another family orchard in Pennsylvania).
El Segundo
Planning a home orchard: Cross-pollination and spacing trees for best fruit production
I then added a 6 foot wide strip in front of the orchard area to serve as a. If you've only ever tasted the few varieties available in supermarkets, you might want to search out, or apple festivals to help you decide which varieties you'd most like to...
El Segundo
Picking the Best Apples for Your Pie
Newly picked apples from the. It wasn't clear to me however, the great regional variations in harvested food until one day when — as if he was passing the torch — my father-in-law divulged his son's favorite'.
El Segundo
Freedom Apple Tree Care – How To Grow A Freedom Apple Tree
This is an especially good choice for your yard if you have struggled with these particular diseases in the past. The soil should be well-drained, and the spot you choose should not be too far from the cross-pollinating tree.freestar.queue.push(function()...
What Is An Empire Apple: How To Grow Empire Apples
If you want a consistently good crop of fruit, however, you should plant another tree nearby for. Most grocery stores carry them, but it's a truth universally acknowledged that fruit tastes much better when grown in your own backyard.
Idared Apple Info – Learn How To Grow Idared Apple Trees At Home
It is also crisp and finely grained, keeping its shape well when cooked.Idared was very popular in its day for the long storage life of about six months, and flavor that improves the longer it is stored.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Rome Beauty Apple Info – Growing Rome Beauty Apples In The Landscape
Dwarf trees reach mature heights of 8 to 10 feet (2-3 m.), with a similar spread; and semi-dwarf, which reach heights of 12 to 15 feet (3.5-4.5 m.), also with a similar spread., planting another apple tree in close proximity can increase the size of the...
Topaz Apple Care: How To Grow Topaz Apples At Home
Topaz apples are usually eaten fresh or in fruit salads, but they can also be used for cooking or baking.Growing Topaz apples isn't difficult, and the trees tend to be resistant to most apple diseases.
Scab On Apple Trees: Indentifying And Treating Apple Scab Fungus
Apple tree owners everywhere should read on to learn about controlling apple scab in their trees.Apple scab fungus infects developing apples early in the season but may not become visible on fruits until they've begun to expand.
Golden Delicious Apple Care – Learn How To Grow A Golden Delicious Apple Tree
Branches can break under the weight of all that beautiful fruit.With proper watering, a little fertilizer in the spring, and a, your growing Golden Delicious apples will start producing fruit within 4-6 years of planting, or when trees reach about 8 feet...
Apple Tree Planting Guide: Growing An Apple Tree In Your Yard
Adding whatever is needed should be done to the depth of 12 to 18 inches so that the roots get the proper pH, or they can burn.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Most apple tree planting guides will tell...
Water Sprout Removal – How To Prune Apple Tree Water Sprouts
Later on, you'll have to cut them.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });, but you should prune to remove water sprouts and suckers as soon as they arise in late spring or early summer.
Honeycrisp Apple Care – How To Grow A Honeycrisp Apple Tree
As the tree begins to bear, excess fruits on the lower stems should be removed to reduce breakage. These sweet, crunchy fruits are consistently rated as one of the highest quality apples with a long storage life.
Apple Storage: How Long Do Apples Last
Read on to find out how to store apples properly for the longest shelf life.The length of time apples can be stored depends on a number of factors. Sure, you may have passed off a bunch on family and friends, but chances are good that you still have some...
Apples With Cedar Apple Rust: How Does Cedar Apple Rust Affect Apples
About 1,000 feet between apples and juniper species is enough to protect your trees. They produce distinctive orange tendrils that are hard to miss. First, check to see if you have juniper species near your apple trees.
Apple Maggot Prevention: Apple Maggot Signs And Control
Pour this into several wide-mouthed jars and allow them to become fermented (ready once bubbling subsides). Apple maggot fly traps are usually set in spring (June) and monitored throughout fall (September).
Apple Collar Rot Life Cycle: Tips For Treating Collar Rot In Fruit Trees
Over time, the fungus will girdle the trunk, which prevents important nutrients and water from moving into the vascular system of the plant. Collar rot of apple trees is responsible for the death of many of our favorite fruit trees across the nation.
What Are Akane Apples: Learn About Akane Apple Care And Uses
They are medium in size and a nice round to conical shape. They are also quite resistant to apple scab.The trees perform well in a variety of climates. Their fruits are mostly red with some green to brown russeting.
Why Grow Cortland Apples: Cortland Apple Uses And Facts
What are Cortland apples? These apple trees set fruit without a pollinator, but another tree in close proximity improves production. Cortland apples are cold hardy apples originating from New York, where they were developed at an agricultural breeding...
Apples With Red Flesh: Information About Red-Fleshed Apple Varieties
As of 2010, a Swiss breeder, Marcus Kobelt, brought the ‘Redlove' series of apples to the European market.The actual flesh color of these apples ranges from bright pink (Pink Pearl) to brilliant red (Clifford) to pink tinged (Taunton Cross) and even...
What Is A Red Rome Apple – Tips For Growing Red Rome Apples
Loosen the soil around the rootball. Despite the name, Red Rome apple trees are not some Italian bred apple cultivar but were, as many, discovered by accident. The following article contains information on growing Red Rome apple trees and using Red Rome...
Honeygold Apple Info: Learn How To Grow Honeygold Apple Trees
(-45 C.).The flavor of the fruit is quite similar to Golden Delicious, only a bit blander. How often and how much water depends on the size of the tree, time of year, and type of soil.If watering with a hose, fill your watering well twice, so water goes...
Apple Tree Care: When And How To Prune An Apple Tree
Select the best and remove the others.Remember, you are creating a canopy that encourages sunlight, and access to spraying and harvesting. May make great shade trees, but if your primary purpose in planting is to garner the delicious fruit, you need to...
Spur Bearing Apple Info: Pruning Spur Bearing Apple Trees In The Landscape
Most spur bearing apples bear fruit the second or third year. Spur bearing apple trees should be pruned in winter. Continue reading to learn more.On spur bearing apple trees, fruit grows on small thorn-like shoots (called spurs), which grow evenly along...
Lodi Apple Care – How To Grow Lodi Apple Trees
The plants do need. The thin skin has few pores, which contributes to the tart-sweet flavor. During this time, Lodi apple care is important to secure a healthy tree with a good scaffold to hold all those heavy fruits.