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What makes good Brix? Good soil!
Why should Brix matter to me? All fruits and vegetables can be easily measured for Brix. The answer is that Brix measurements tell us how flavorful and nutritious our foods are, or could be.
El Segundo
Garden Goodness
Because of the cooler weather, the tomatoes are really just getting started. But this year, they just keep growing and growing. The vines are loaded with immature, green fruits. Unprecedented and wonderful! « More Dirt on Gardening » Tags garden , pest...
Good Food, Good Business Video Preview
Add this video on growing food and building a business to your informational and inspirational tool kit to help you in your own farm ventures. What does it mean to make the invisible visible?
Burning Question: When Is \
But I don't have two years to get my pigs to market, and our 12 acres could never hope to sustain a rotation-heavy hog and chicken pasturing system . The main question we fielded from our friends and family then is the same one we now answer each week...
Growing for Good
“In our hometown of Omaha, Neb., signs tell us how we are one of the fastest-growing cities in the country,” filmmakers Dan Susman and Andrew Monbouquette write on their website, .
How to Extract Oil From Rosemary
Simmer on low heat for three hours. For centuries, it has been used to enhance memory, promote hair growth and relieve pain and tension. While none of its professed health benefits have been scientifically proven, studies confirm that rosemary is rich...
Santa Monica
Gleaning for Good
Photo courtesy of iStockphoto/Thinkstock Nonprofit groups are feeding the hungry by gleaning. For gleaning groups, the sight of unwanted fruit rotting on the ground beneath tree branches represents an opportunity to make a difference.
Growing Good Neighbors
Photo by Rick Gush The male kiwi in the garden between my house and the neighbors' is finally starting to leaf out! I have neighbors whose garden adjoins ours at the top of the cliff in a narrow area that was a neighborhood refuse pile before I converted...
Creative Screening With Plants: Good Borders Make Good Neighbors
Did you know that a variety of plants can all be used (alone or in combination) to create attractive screening solutions for nearly any problem? Containers are an effective way toin patio areas as well.
Good Things to Come
The vegetable garden looks glorious. The plants are happy too. The strawberries are blooming too. My daffodils and tulips are pretty much finished blooming and are being replaced by lots of blooming perennials, especially in my shade gardens.
Sometimes ‘Bad\' is Good!
She's 13 years old—that's like 90 in human years! She has arthritis, so she hobbles but she's happy, and Mom loves her more than all the other sheep combined. If she had, Dad wouldn't have seen Baasha cast and Baasha would have died.
Good Garden-planning News
The bad/sad news is that we can't actually afford to do it all. They came to take measurements and pictures, and last week we had another meeting where she presented us with her conceptual plan for the yard.
Good Husbandry Grants Available
Tags Animal Welfare Approved , certified farmers , Good Husbandry Grants , hobby farmers , livestock Grants will be awarded based on each project's potential to deliver the greatest benefit to farm animals, as determined by the AWA's grant-review panel.
Is Turmeric Good for Chickens?
Feed the paste free-choice to your flock. Curcumin has been credited with everything from preventing heart attacks to fighting cancer, but as with much herbal and holistic medicine, few actual scientific studies have been done.
Snakes- Good for the Garden
Photo on left by kakiana, and right by troisBut even the poisonous snakes have their effect on wild rodent populations and should not be maligned just because they are poisonous.Without these snakes we would overrun with rats and gophers.But I do think...
El Segundo
Is Hackberry Good for Firewood?
When it does, the wood performs admirably in your fireplace or wood stove.Good firewood relies on several qualities to make your fires burn well. Its BTUs fall short of prime hardwoods, but hackberry logs rate higher on heat than most other soft-wooded...
Santa Monica
Good Food Warriors, Stand Up
Just fill out the nomination form , and click “Submit.” The hardest question on this form—and also the most important—asks you to describe your organization's work in 100 words or less.
Is Gatorade Good for Plants?
Gatorade has a proven record of helping people hydrate, but the beverage is not so good for plants.The basic ingredients in Gatorade are water, sugar, carbohydrates and electrolytes -- potassium and sodium.
Santa Monica
Mourning Our Good Friend Fayre
After the service, reminisce. Have a temper tantrum. At first, Mom kept bursting into tears. But it wasn't painful, so Fayre stayed active and Mom and Dad didn't notice she was sick until she stopped eating her favorite foods.
When Good Hens Go Broody
Get chicken-keeping help on 6 Solutions to Egg-Laying Problems How to Deal with Aggressive Roosters 6 Layer Hens for Beginning Chicken Keepers 5 Steps to Get the Best Eggs Possible 7 Design Details to Build Into Your Coop « More Greenhorn...
When Good Hens Go Bad
When The Girls are out foraging and I come out into the yard, they generally all run in my direction, hoping for treats or at least some attention. Now, six months or so later, her comb has healed into a fashionable flopped-over style, and all of her...
Castor oil, anyone?
The Greeks and Romans took note of how the Egyptians used it, wisely decided the beans were poisonous, and used the oil only externally. It is widely grown as a crop in Ethiopia. Moonflowers are highly toxic.
El Segundo
Stressed Out Succulents - Good or Bad?
This is a relatively obvious sign of water stress in succulents and sometimes it is not easy to know if the shriveling is normal for a plant or not.Initially lack of water probably stimulates a succulent to close all its ‘pores' (called stoma).But eventually...
El Segundo
Are Egg Shells Good for Roses?
Eggshells can be tilled directly into soil or added to compost or manure. Eggshells add nutrients, can help to stabilize the pH level and can act as a natural deterrent against pests.Eggshells add calcium and lime to soil; two essential nutrients for...
Santa Monica
Making Olive Oil
The cooperative that runs this frantoio has 1,700 members who bring their harvested olives here to be processed into olive oil. Experiments using a pitting machine to allow pressing of just olive flesh have concluded that the oil tastes worse in the pit-less...
Almond Oil Information: Tips For Using Almond Oil
There are both sweet and bitter almonds. What is almond oil and how do you use it? It is chock full of healthy fats that actually help to reduce cholesterol. Almond oil can be used to cook with.
Is Vinegar Good for Tomato Plants?
Use a watering can to sprinkle this mixture over your tomato plants and the surrounding soil. Because tomatoes are naturally acidic, vinegar can be used as a natural fungicide as well as a fertilizer on these tasty and nutritious plants.Vinegar is a natural...
Santa Monica