Priced for Quick Sale! New! Full Warranty! New Holland H5420 Merger with tractor driven hydraulics with windrow inverter attachment. List Price $30,875.
NEW- KUHN SR614 GII WHEEL RAKE,14 WHEEL,HITCH EXTENTION,CENTER KICKER WHEELS,SET UP READY TO GO!!,AdditionalCategory: Hay and Forage Equipment - Rakes/Tedders
This unit features 55" rake wheels that have independent suspension. # of Finger Wheels 10 Transport Width 11' 4'' Min Working Width 17'-8” Max Working Width 20'-8” Min Windrow Width (depending on crop conditions) 32” Max Windrow Width (depending...
Massey-Ferguson Hesston 1459 Haybine, 9' Working Width, Serial No. AGCM14590CHM05253, Swinging Tongue, Used on Less than 200 Acres, Always Housed, Excellent Condition, Comes with Manual and PTO Shaft
Cylinder: Good; City: Huntsville; State: AL 2005 Krone AM323S; 10'-6 EZ Disc Mower; 3 Pt. mount; Needs a new drive shaft; Additional picts available upon request; Overall Condition: Fair; Hyd.