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Cattle Fly Lice Cattle Pinkeye Protection For Sale In Thornton

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Permectrin II Animal and Premise Insecticide Concentrate
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / each

One quart makes from 25 to 200 gallons. Apply to swine, beef, and dairy cattle, horses, sheep and premises. Contains 10% permethrin. Permectrin II provides long-acting killing power for flies, lice, mites, ticks, fleas and mosquitoes.
Flys-X Ready to Use Insecticide Fly Spray for Livestock
Prices start at : 11.57 USD / each

Kills fleas and brown dog ticks on dogs and premises. Effective and fast acting against stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, horn flies, house flies, mosquitoes and gnats. Absorbine Flys-X contains botanical pyrethrins plus piperonyl butoxide.
Prozap Insectrin CS Pour-On
Prices start at : 21.69 USD / each

Apply 2 ml per 100 lbs., up to a maximum of 20 ml. In 5 gallons mineral oil. Body weight, up to a maximum of 12 ml. Repeat treatment as needed, but not more than once every two weeks.
Cylence Ultra Insecticide Tags
Prices start at : 51.29 USD / each

Use 2 tags per cow for effective control of face flies and pyrethroid susceptible horn flies for up to 5 months, and to aid in the control of Gulf Coast ticks and spinose ear ticks.
Patriot Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 45.95 USD / each

Use the Allflex Universal Total Tagger to apply. Use 2 tags for optimal control of horn flies and ear ticks and to aid in the control of face flies, lice, stable flies and house flies.
Bull Master Mineral Feeder Lid
Prices start at : 40.95 USD / each

Constructed of 3/8" reinforced rubber. Replacement lid for Bull Master Mineral Feeder.
Bull Master II with The Fly Killer Kover
Prices start at : 338.95 USD / each

The Bull Master II with Fly Killer Kover allows your herd to self-treat for face flies and prevent pinkeye as they eat mineral. Reinforced 38" diameter urethane weathershield is bonded to a thick felt lining that absorbs insecticides.
Martin\'s Cyonara Pour-On Insecticide
Prices start at : 127.99 USD / each

Simply apply Martin's Cyonara Pour-On Insecticide down backline, 10 ml for calves under 600 lbs., 15ml for cattle over 600 lbs. Contains 1% lambda-cyhalothrin. For use on beef cattle, cows, and calves.
Prozap Bovi-Bullet for Face Fly Control
Prices start at : 9.95 USD / each

Initially, charge the Bovi-Bullet with 1 liter of solution, and recharge it as necessary to maintain wetness. Superior insecticide charging and wicking action allow for low-stress application of insecticides on cattle.
Python Dust Bag Kit
Prices start at : 69.95 USD / each

The Python Dust Bag Kit is used for control of horn flies, lice, ticks and keds, and as an aid in the control of face flies, stable flies and other nuisance flies. The Python Dust Bag Kit treats up to 30 head of mature cattle for up to 8 weeks.
Stryker Insecticide Concentrate
Prices start at : 38.99 USD / each

Stryker Insecticide Concentrate can be used to kill and repel horn flies, face flies, house flies, stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, mosquitoes, and gnats, and to control lice and sheep keds.
Dustacator Replacement Skirt
Prices start at : 78.95 USD / each

It is best to add a couple of bags of powder at a time, rather than adding a whole bucketful (four bags). Full circle dust bag releases dust every time cattle eat mineral. In such an example, the solidified clumps of powder break up much slower than if...
Saber Pour-on
Prices start at : 51.99 USD / each

Convenient squeeze and measure bottle. Effective low dosage rates approved for beef cattle of all ages. Or less-15 ml per head for 600 lbs. Provides long-losting control of horn flies and biting and sucking lice on beef cattle.
StandGuard Pour-On Insecticide for Beef Cattle and Calves
Prices start at : 38.99 USD / each

900 ml treats 90 calves or 60 cows. Apply along the backline at the rate of 10 ml per head under 600 lbs., 15 ml per head over 600 lbs. Contains gamma-cyhalothrin for control of horn flies and season-long control of lice on beef cattle and calves.
Atroban 11% EC Insecticidal Spray Concentrate for Livestock and Premises
Prices start at : 26.29 USD / each

Gives long lasting control of horn flies, face flies, stable flies, house flies, horse flies and lice on beef and lactating dairy cattle, horses, sheep, goats and premises. Contains permethrin.
Prozap Screw Worm Ear Tick Spray for Livestock
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / each

Protects beef and dairy cattle, sheep, hogs, and horses from attacks of stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, horn flies, mosquitoes, ticks, and gnats. Controls blood sucking lice on swine.
Piliguard Pinkeye + 7 Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 83.49 USD / each

Annual booster is recommended. Animals vaccinated before 3 months of age should be revaccinated at weaning or 4-6 months of age. For prevention of Clostridium chauvoei, septicum, novyi, sordellii, perfringens Types C & D and Moraxella bovis.
Martin\'s Cyonara Plus Pour-On Insecticide
Prices start at : 159.99 USD / each

Martin's Cyonara Plus Pour-On Insecticide provides effective control against horn flies, and season-long control of lice. For use on beef cattle, cows, and calves. Down the backline.
Dust Bag Refill - Permectrin
Prices start at : 69.95 USD / each

Contains 4 x 12-1/2 lb. Refill cartridges.
Aim-A Vetcaps (Abamectin) for Vetgun
Prices start at : 88.50 USD / each

AiM-A VetCaps are softgel capsules containing abamectin parasiticide for control of horn flies in beef and non-lactating dairy cattle over 600 lbs. Typical in-season rotation includes the use of AiM-L when flies begin to appear, followed by AiM-A when...
  •  Do not slaughter within 90 days of treatment.
  •  No additional labor required. One person can dose a herd in a fraction of the time required with other methods.
  •  No need to handle cattle to apply an insecticide.
  •  No chute or special handling facilities needed. Reduces the chance of injuries.
GardStar 40% EC
Prices start at : 20.29 USD / each

Cattle rub: mix 4 oz/10 gal diesel or mineral oil. Contains 40% permethrin. For spray or back rubber use in lactating dairy, beef, swine, horses, sheep, poultry, goats. With water to make up to 50 gallon spray.
Prozap Bovi-Strips Face Flaps for Cattle Backrubber
Prices start at : 19.39 USD / each

The Prozap Bovi-Strips face flaps are designed for use with the Bovi-Rub. Simply tie the Bovi-Strips to the Bovi-Rub for additional insecticide application to the face and sides of livestock.
Prozap Insectrin Permethrin Dust
Prices start at : 40.95 USD / each

Prozap Insectrin Permethrin Dust contains 0.25% permethrin. Bags may also be placed in loafing sheds or in front of mineral feeders. Prozap Insectrin Dust may be used to refill a Dust Bag Kit or may be directly applied to the animal.
Co-ral Fly and Tick Spray
Prices start at : 42.99 USD / each

Cattle rub: mix 1/2 gal/6.5 gal diesel. Mix 2-4 qt/50 gal water for a spray. Organophosphate livestock insecticide spray for control of flies, lice and ticks in beef, dairy (including lactating), swine and horses.
Cattle Rub
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / each

In a recent Progressive Farmer Brand Awareness Study, producers were asked to rank 5 methods of fly control as to Dependability, Economy, Ease on Cattle and Ease on Cowboys. Has breaking strength of 2700 lbs.
AiM-L VetCaps
Prices start at : 78.60 USD / each

Capsules burst upon contact with the animal to deliver insecticide in a similar way to pour-on products. Simply aim, shoot, and treat. Saves time and puts you in control of when and where you treat your cattle.
  •  Treatment for flies can be repeated as needed, but not more than once every two weeks. Do not apply more than four times in any 6-month period.
  •  No additional labor required. One person can dose a herd in a fraction of the time required with other methods.
  •  No need to handle cattle to apply an insecticide.
  •  No chute or special handling facilities needed. Reduces the chance of injuries to the cattle and the ranchers.
20/20 Vision 7 with Spur Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / each

For prevention of Clostridium chauvoei, septicum, novyi, sordellii, perfringens Types C & D and Moraxella bovis. 7-way blackleg and pinkeye protection for cattle. Repeat in 3 to 4 weeks and once annually.