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Is Spruce a Hard or Soft Wood?
Their wood is classified as softwood based on its characteristics.According to the University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service, woods are classified as hardwood or softwood not based on their durability but based on the type of tree and the...
Santa Monica
How to Make Pine-Sap Salve
Add the sap pieces to the saucepan.Add 1 oz. Place the beeswax and olive oil into the saucepan with the pine sap. This remedy also removes splinters. Rub pine-sap salve on a wood or glass splinter, and within a few days the splinter will force its way...
Santa Monica
How to Extract Oil From Cedar
Discard the cedar. Fill the jar full with cedar leaves, berries and bark. Turn the heat down low so that the water is gently simmering and you can see steam. Pour 4 cups of distilled water carefully around the outside of the can, over the cedar.Put the...
Santa Monica
What Are the Characteristics of Mahogany Wood?
It is commonly regarded as the world's leading wood for fine-quality furniture, cabinetry, sculpture, carving, interior trim and other applications.The mahogany tree can reach more than 150 feet in height and 6 feet in diameter.
Santa Monica
African Hardwood Tree Types
This tree is light brown or beige in color, and extremely dense.In Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana, this brown and yellow tree is known as Iroko, but the scientific name is Milicia excelsa.
Santa Monica
How to Germinate a Fig Seed
Distribute the mixture evenly over the surface of the growing medium in the tray.Water the seeds to settle them into the growing medium and encourage them to germinate.Place the tray in a location that receives four to six hours of bright sunlight per...
Santa Monica
How to Identify Juniper Trees
The needles of a juniper tree are rather short and grow in clusters close to the branches. The juniper tree is an evergreen and has soft needles instead of leaves. Juniper trees can grow just about anywhere and thrive in a variety of conditions.Juniper...
Santa Monica
The Red Spear-Tip Fungus Mushroom Found in Mulch
Old wood, dead leaves and rich soil are particularly likely to promote growth. She would burn them all in order to protect the "morals of the maids" in their employ.The elegant stinkhorn may not be as elegant as a rose, but it does entertain.The dog stinkhorn...
Santa Monica
Wood Fern Care: Planting Wood Ferns In The Garden
Like most, they prefer slightly acidic conditions. Wood ferns grow in USDA plant hardiness zones 5 through 8, although some may tolerate chilly winters as far north as zone 3.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Are Elm Trees Hardwood?
This refers to the nature of the lumber. Inside those divisions, you can classify it yet again into hard hardwood and soft hardwood. Softwood comes from evergreen, coniferous trees.You can differentiate lumber even further once you have established whether...
Santa Monica
Do You Prune Plumbago?
Most Plumbago cultivars bloom from May until the first significant frost, and pruning during this season should be limited to the removal of spent blooms.Although Plumbagos seldom exceed heights of 5 feet, ladders may sometimes be required for safe pruning...
Santa Monica
Ebony Tree Facts
Ebony trees are also found in India and Ceylon, but the African ebony is considered the finest.Luca Francesco Giovanni Bertolli/iStock/Getty ImagesEbony is the traditional choice for black piano keys.Ebony trees are an important resource to the peoples...
Santa Monica
How to Trim a Japanese Maple Tree
Once you are satisfied, that you have exposed enough of the tree trunk and satisfied with the height of the crown, you can now proceed to "crown thinning," which is a method to remove some of the branches and leaves to let in more air and sunlight.Thin...
Santa Monica
How to Plant Gardenia Veitchii
You can successfully plant and enjoy the fragrant flowers of the gardenia veitchii shrub in your own outdoor landscape if you live within USDA hardiness zones 8 through 10.Use a soil pH testing kit to determine the pH of the soil before planting the gardenia...
Santa Monica
How to Care for a Dying Weeping Willow Tree
No matter how dire the situation, you may still save a dying willow tree and restore it to its former health with appropriate treatment and care.Weeping willows can recover from a variety of severe problems.Remove diseased branches, twigs and bark with...
Santa Monica
How Do Palm Trees Survive Hurricanes?
Only about 70 percent of queen palms stood up to the 120 mph winds of Hurricane Jeanne and almost half of them succumbed to the 165 mile-per-hour winds of that same hurricane. They are often overlooked as ornamental palms because they are not as attractive...
Santa Monica
How to Fill Holes in Trees
Use mortar to seal the opening. They provide homes to pests such as carpenter ants, bees, hornets and wasps, and they can be dangerous if the hole affects the tree structurally. Small holes are best left alone and structurally unsound trees should be...
Santa Monica
The Parts of Trees and Their Functions
Within each of the three parts there are variations, but these three essential elements exist no matter what size the tree is or which climate it resides in.Trees of all sorts have the same three basic parts.A tree's root system pulls nutrients and water...
Santa Monica
How Do Fungi Reproduce?
Zygomycota, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota each reproduce sexually. These slime molds may have been the evolutionary precursor to the fungi kingdom. Once the spores disperse they will germinate and form a new mycelium.
Santa Monica
Can You Burn Apple Wood in a Fireplace?
Bring wood in only as you need it. As with any firewood, apple wood needs to be fully seasoned before it can be safely and efficiently burned.Bring small amounts of firewood indoors as it's needed, to avoid insect infestations.According to the Cornell...
Santa Monica
Is a Juniper a Cedar Tree?
Cedars are known botanically by the genus name Cedrus and are members of the Pinaceae or pine family. Those six are: Bermuda cedar (Juniperous bermudiana), Colorado red cedar (Juniperous scopulorum), creeping cedar (Juniperous horizontalis), Ozark white...
Santa Monica
How to Tell if It\'s a Morel Mushroom
Morels have a cap that flares out from the top of the stem and almost immediately begins to taper to a rounded top.Examine the distinctively identifying irregular honeycomb, latticework structure covering the entire cap of the mushroom.
Santa Monica
How to Mix Epsom Salt to Kill Stumps
Push the tip of the funnel into each hole you drilled and pour one-quarter of the solution into each hole. One week later, fill the holes again with more solution.Check the stump each week prior to additional applications.
Santa Monica
What Is a Lateral Tree Branch?
Lateral branches with narrow angled crotches -- those less than 30 degrees -- are structurally weak and are more likely to break or tear in winds. A lateral branch is any secondary branch that grows off of the main trunk or scaffolds; all scaffolds are...
Santa Monica
What Is Okoume Wood?
The wood has a high silica content, which tends to blunt cutting tools more than might be expected of so soft a species. Okoume is one of the tropical hardwoods used for exterior plywood manufactured to BS (British Standard) 1088 specifications for use...
Santa Monica
What Is the Strongest Type of Tree?
When injured, they seal off damaged areas so decay can't spread. Pruning also plays a big role. The strongest survivors overcome through give and take. Hardy in USDA zones 8 through 10, the cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto) yields to the elements, leveraging...
Santa Monica
What Is Palm Tree Wood Used For?
Palm trees are readily used as a building material for house walls, rafters and roofing. Some bio-fuels are made from decaying palm tree wood, and the soft stemmed tree's fibrous wood is processed into paper pulp.
Santa Monica