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Best Time To Plant Turnip Greens

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Bolting of Turnips: What To Do When A Turnip Plant Bolts
Turnips require soil rich in organic material. Sow the seeds 1 to 2 inches apart in rows. Therefore, proper planting time is important.One of the best ways to prevent the bolting of turnips is to practice proper planting.
Turnip White Spot Info : What Causes White Spots On Turnip Leaves
Their leaves are high in vitamins A, C and K, as well as many other minerals and nutrients. Are a special treat whether eaten raw or cooked. It is most frequent when daytime temperatures are between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit (13 to 18 C.).
Growing Turnip Greens: Learn About The Health Benefits Of Turnip Greens
Southern cooks make a broth or “pot-likker” to braise the leaves but you can stir fry them or even use them fresh in salads. They should be used within a few hours.Use scissors or garden shears for “cut and come again” harvesting.
How to Extract Juice From Lemon Grass
Throw away the leaves.Add sugar or artificial sweetener to taste. Or have it plain and savor the natural flavor.Cut the blackened root end off of the end of the lemongrass stalks. Rinse the lemongrass under the tap to clean it.
Santa Monica
Harvesting A Turnip Root: How And When To Harvest Turnips
When you cut the leaves, you reduce the plant's ability to harvest solar energy for food to fuel the growth of the root. However, they do seem to have a sweeter flavor when exposed to mild frost.Your turnip harvest should all be pulled before heavy freezes...
Citronella Plant Uses
Both the essential oil and the crushed leaves are effective, though the pure oil is a little stronger. Iowa State University recommends applying the oil directly to the skin or clothing, but notes that some people may be allergic to this plant.
Santa Monica
Alternaria Leaf Spot Of Turnip – Treating Turnips With Alternaria Leaf Spot
Many, especially cruciferous weeds like mustard andDestroy diseased plant parts by burning, or dispose of them in sealed plastic bags. Is a fungal disease that causes big problems for a variety of plants, including turnips and other members of the Brassica...
Turnips With White Rust: What Causes White Spots On Turnip Leaves
These lesions can contribute to distortion or stunting of leaves, stems or flowers. Temperatures of 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 C.) encourage fungal development. If possible, purchase seed that has been treated with a fungicide.Avoid watering plants on...
Green means go, but Green Stop! was a fun childhood game
Some of them may think they have a happy childhood, sitting for hours on end in front of a computer and playing "Farmville" or a virtual soccer game, or any other of the thousands and thousands of games which the computer geeks invented.
El Segundo
Differences Between Wheat Germ & Wheatgrass
Not everyone who tries wheatgrass juice enjoys it, but juice bars sometimes offer orange slices or other sliced fruit to quickly help you recover from the flavor and texture. Many people add it to their cereals and oatmeal for a nutritious breakfast.Wheatgrass,...
Santa Monica
Companion Plants for Cantaloupe
They are attracted to the yellow flowers of growing cantaloupe plants. Some plants, such as French marigolds , exude chemicals that repel harmful pests. Trap cropping is a type of companion planting that keeps harmful insects away from more vulnerable...
Santa Monica
How to Make Fertilizer for Hibiscus
Use the less-diluted tea for monthly fertilization and the more-diluted tea for daily applications. Pour the diluted fertilizer directly onto plant roots or into a spray bottle for distribution to the plants.Liquid organic fertilizer can be sprayed on...
Santa Monica
Natural Plants That Kill Roaches
They live anywhere there is a dark, moist environment with a suitable food supply -- and cockroaches eat almost anything. While garlic does not kill the roaches, it will get rid of these insect pests.
Santa Monica
How to Extract Glucose From Plants
Set the cooked beets aside for dinner, canning or freezing.Set the beet sugar water back onto the stove. Do not tighten the lids; allow the steam to escape. Pour the beets into the strainer and save the beet sugar water.
Santa Monica
The Green Bean that\'s an Open Pollinated Wonder: The Kentucky Wonder!
As a southerner, I usually cook the beans in a pot of water (just enough to cover) with crispy salt pork or bacon, plus salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. The seeds can be direct sown, about 1-1/2” deep with rows 3' feet apart.
El Segundo
Spinach as a Cool-season, Autumn Crop
Similarly, you can extend the harvest past your first frost date in the fall, when the summer vegetables are nipped and destroyed by the chill. If you have access to a cold frame, you can extend your harvest even farther in both directions, sowing earlier...
El Segundo
Tips for Making a Bee-Friendly Landscape
Bees have a harder time extracting pollen from flowers double or triple blooms that have layered petals.Create a garden with a predominance of yellow, purple and blue flowers. To keep the bees coming back throughout the year, your garden should feature...
Santa Monica
Can I Add the Pulp From My Juicer to My Garden Soil?
A worm composting bin can be as small as a shoe box, is odor-free and is a good alternative for apartment dwellers who want to recycle their food waste but lack the space for a standard compost pile.You can use some juicer pulp in recipes that call for...
Santa Monica
Why Are Mushrooms Growing Out of My Compost?
Fungi are also encouraged by low temperatures and high moisture levels in the compost pile. In the compost pile, they're simply unattractive, but when these molds release spores, they can spread to other surfaces, such as your home.While most fungi won't...
Santa Monica
The Best Areas in the United States to Grow Vegetables
In 2010 the United States Department of Agriculture, reporting a wide use of vegetables, said, "On a fresh-weight basis, per capita use of all vegetables and melons averaged 440 lbs.
Santa Monica
4 Best Mowers for Your Yard and the Environment
This was the concept of the very first 'lawn mowing machine' patented by engineer, Edwin Beard Budding from Stroud, Gloucestershire, England on August 31, 1830.A reel mower is healthier for your lawn because it is not as hard on the grass as other types...
El Segundo
Irresistible Chocolate Garden Color
Dave's Garden (DG) member 'Shirley1md', from Ellicott City, MD, winter sowed hers from seed with no problem. All rights reserved.All other photos Copyright ©2009 by the respective DG parties: Thumbnail photo-Rudbeckia Black Beauty by ‘Zest'; Philadelphia...
El Segundo
Time to Plant Peas!
In the article, I mentioned the age-old technique of supporting pea vines by using pea brush. I didn't get to mention, however, how truly beautiful this staking technique really is.
Time to Plant Peas
(Consult the USDA's plant hardiness zone map as a guide on planting dates.) The garden soil should be well-drained and have a pH of about 6.5 for maximum production. Whatever support apparatus you go with, place it in the ground before the peas are planted...
Spring ahead! tonight\'s the night - Daylight Saving Time
So I set out to do a little research. All I knew is that I had trouble remembering when to reset my clock. The gardener who works during the day gets an extra hour of daylight to spend in the garden in the evening.
El Segundo
Tips On How To Grow Collard Greens
The area chosen for collard greens planting should be in full sun. While 60 to 75 days is an average harvest time for growing collard greens to reach maturity, the leaves can be picked at any time they are of edible size from the bottom of the large,...
Winter Salad Greens: Tips On Growing Greens In Winter
Build a structure made of plastic piping (or metal, if you're expecting heavy snowfall) over your winter salad greens. On sunny days, even in the dead of winter, you'll need to open the flaps to allow air circulation.