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The Art Of Selling Ingredients
Why is this an important distinction? Some customers like the adventure, sure, but your average market customer is generally going to pass over the tatsoi for something more familiar because they will know what to do with it.
How Well Will Your Farm Products Do At Market?
Refinement Take what you've learned by way of direct customer feedback or observing decisions made by your customers or the marketplace, and refine, modify or adjust your product and marketing accordingly.
Value Adding With Services
But it could also just bring in new customers. This is especially true in the summer. When we think of adding value to our farm business, we tend to think of turning something we grow into something else: Pork becomes sausage, tomatoes become salsa, berries...
Harvest Flip Calendar
You can make this piece at home by using leftover seed packets and an inside-out cereal box, plus a few extra craft materials. Paste the images and corresponding labels onto the calendar pages.
3 Marketing Methods for Your Farmers Market Stand
You don't have to show a profit (thank goodness—farming doesn't often put you in the black), but there's no reason you shouldn't make as much money as you can in the pursuit of farm income.
How To Harvest And Pack Herbs For Market
If you're growing herbs to sell, keeping them perky and fresh during transport and once you're at the market may be easier said than done. Try not to cut into the main woody stems.
5 Ways Farmers Can Market Spinach
Almost anywhere you see spinach on a menu, you can use spinach as a product to sell on your table. Value Added Products Spinach, when frozen at its peak nutrition, can be an excellent value added product for summer sales when greens are scarce.
6 Display Tips for Selling More at the Farmers Market
Sometimes it takes just a little tweak here or there to make a difference, but sometimes it takes reimagining your whole booth space. I suggest building a display for food that can be easily hauled back and forth to market.
8 Types of Homemade Items You Can Sell at a Farmers Market
Garden-Starter Supplies Baskets Vegetable Cages Starting Trays Stakes Bulbs Seed Potatoes Unusual Varieties of Starts Tips for Success Once you know what you want to make and sell, your success depends on the execution of your plan and the presentation...
4 Tips to Increase Sales at the Fall Farmers Market
Get creative here—t-shirts, totes, homemade goods, wool … there are so many farm-made items that make great gifts. Keep Quality High One thing I notice a lot in the fall is that sure, lots of people bring greens such as kale and collards, but lots...
5 Tips on Marketing Butternut Squash
How much labor went into it? However, that's not always possible or necessarily how to get the best price. One last note: Offer an individual price per squash and a buck price per unit to encourage them to purchase more.
4 Ways to Increase Your Farmers Market Sales
If you can have them by then, or shortly thereafter, you will be able to sell nearly every tomato you bring based solely on supply and demand. But then we definitely made note for next year—bring more squash earlier.
6 Ways a Farmer Can Market Cucumbers
That is just the nature of the cucumber plant, which can be one of the most prolific crops in the summer garden. Having a mix of options can provide a nice incentive to either type of customer.
Pricing and Marketing Edible Flowers: Nasturtiums
The flavor is slightly spicy and bright with a nice crunch—foodies as well as chefs love it. Start by letting people sample them. Because unlike a potato or tomato, they weigh very little, so selling them by the ounce or pound can be a difficult, especially...
5 Tips For Marketing Garlic
Brand recognition is important for repeat customers and word-of-mouth advertising. Offer A Diversity Of Cultivars Justin Henry/Flickr Many people think garlic is garlic and mainly comes in powder form.
This Is Hobby Farming: 3 Partners Form an Urban Oasis in Indianapolis
There is more infrastructure at South Circle including a wash station and walk-in cooler, meaning that salad greens are grown closer to the source for cleaning and cooling. However, this much diversity proves to be less profitable.
7 Food Trends to Consider for Your Farm Business
Build Agritourism into Your Business Model John Ivanko Hosting farm tours and adding an agritourism component to your farm business typically happens after a farm is up and running as a means to diversify and add income.
How to Price and Market Arugula
It can be a little tricky with the flea beetles, but it's relatively tolerant of disease and heat tolerant—always something we appreciate in our humid Kentucky climate. How to Market Arugula Arugula will sell at farmers markets in larger towns and cities—and...
How To Prepare For A Farmers Market Inspection
These and other tricky details are what make your state ag laws worth reading. It turns out, every state, county and city has different farmers market vendor rules and regulations.
Why Every Farmer Should Have Really Good Photos
Where's the value in such an expenditure? It's all part of the brand. In a world of social media, where photos are fleeting and disappear quickly into your feed, it's nice to have a way to reflect and see how far you've come.
Selling On The Roadside
The sort of employees who man your stand have a dramatic impact on sales. Spread power items (the ones that draw consumers to your market, such as sweet corn, melons, apples and tomatoes) throughout your stand so customers shop the whole store.
How To Market Farm-Raised Fiber
Cardboard boxes with loose fitting tops are a great choice. Calculate whether you can afford to sell wholesale to yarn shops, and don't be surprised if the answer is no, as is the case for many small-scale wool and fiber producers.
5 Things To Know To Sell Homemade Juice
This presents a greater opportunity for the sale of value-added products, especially ready-to-drink juices made from the high-quality local produce that shoppers know and love. Fennel, purple carrots, arugula, lettuces and lemon verbena are seen less...
5 Ways to Market Your Raw Milk—Quietly
With just a few customers to start, word will spread quickly. About the Author: Freelance writer Lisa Munniksma drinks raw milk and blogs every week about ag news and opinion for the's “ The News Hog ” and about sustainable living,...
Use Social Media To Gain A Following & Attract Customers To Your Farm
The goal is to build an attachment to your farm through social media, so show people the animals (especially baby ones), the farmers (again, especially baby ones), the gardens, the food and any “farmy” stuff you're comfortable showing.
Cash in on Agritourism
It's one thing to chase the goats out of the strawberry patch, but explaining to people why they can't park on the hayfield is something else entirely. You don't have to permanently open the floodgates to visitors right away.
Redefining the CSA
While variations on the CSA model reflect expanded marketing possibilities for farmers, it's also given rise to what Galt and his team refer to as nonfarm aggregators—retailers that grow nothing themselves and instead purchase produce at wholesale and...