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Best Perennial Flowers

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Gopher Apple
From this resemblance comes the common name, ground oak. Enriched soil is not necessary as it grows best in poor, nutrient-starved soil. Bees, flies, and other flying creatures use the flowers as a source of nectar.
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How peculiar: Green cultivars
'Green Eyes', 'Green Halo' and 'Green Quest' are some other greens to check out.Each 'Green Rose' seems to have an interesting story all its own. You can be the judge of these green cultivars.The stunner at right is Peony 'Green Halo.' It might cost you...
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Peaceful Plants: Yarrow
Curious, I asked what they were. This did not eliminate the yarrow but did cause the pink yarrow to grow more spindly and sparse. It would be best to plant it in a perennial bed all by itself rather than mixing it in with other perennials and expecting...
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Green Grows the Garden
But one particular type, the viridiflora hybrids, are distinguished by stripes of fresh green decorating each petal. Another viridiflora tulip,, is unique in that it is almost completely apple green, with only touches of cream and deep red.
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How peculiar: A green flower
The foliage is beautiful as well when the plant is not blooming.If you love irises and the unusual, ‘Olive Garden' should be on your want list. As with most Callas, this one needs consistent moisture and partial to full sun (2).I'll include Nepal Lily...
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Ox-Eye Daisies: Picking Flowers for My Mom
But the flowers that our nieces and nephews and the neighborhood kids go for straightaway are the blooming clumps of Ox-Eye Daisies. And the question they ask me is always the same.
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Masterful Masterworts
These include ‘Ruby Cloud', ‘Hadspen Blood', ‘Moulin Rouge', ‘Star of Summer', ‘Roma', ‘Claret', ‘Star of Beauty', ‘Venice', ‘Ruby Stars', ‘Star of Fire', ‘Bloody Mary', ‘Ruby Wedding' and ‘Temptation Star'.Above selections include...
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Incredible Edible Flowers
Just looking for something a little different to dine on? Edible flowers add a unique taste to various dishes. Research has shown that edible flowers have been used by the Roman, Chinese, Middle Eastern and Indian cultures as far back as 25 BC.
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Black-Eyed Susan and Other Rudbeckias
This will extend the plant's flowering season and keep plants looking neat. The nectar-rich flower cones make rudbeckia a good choice for a butterfly garden. Flowers are most commonly yellow or gold, but also come in russet, mahogany and bronze.
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Birth Flowers
Each month has a special representational flower. Because irises come in so many different colors, ranging from white to deep purple, it can take on disparate moods and emotions. The rose as a birth flower stands for love and appreciation.
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The Story of Iris Part 6 - Why Grow Iris?
This really is a miracle plant for the home gardener.This is one of those plants that may not perform at its best but it will keep going on neglect. They might not bloom the way they used to, but they bloom.
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Hot New Heucheras will Sizzle in your Garden!
'' offers another transformation in the garden with purple-black spring foliage developing a handsome silver pattern with dark veins. Recent breeding efforts with the native Heuchera villosa species have resulted in amazing new selections and are now...
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Hardy Hibiscus--Hardier Than You Think
These eye-popping beauties are, surprisingly, not well known here. I don't even fertilize them. I have never tried to divide them, but they start easily from new shoots, in water or soil.
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Ligularia - Big, Bold and Beautiful!
Dentata 'Britt-Marie Crawford'I would like to thank doss, hczone6, kell and mrporl for the use of their lovely pictures which helped complete this article. If large imposing perennials are your thing, then you must grow Ligularia.
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Have a Party in your Garden with Balloon Flowers!
Like a fine wine, they improve with age. In fact, there are well over 40 cultivars of balloon flowers. Among the taller double-flowered cultivars are ‘Hakone Blue' and ‘Hakone White'.
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A Phlox for Every Garden
Moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil is preferred. Hairy rounded leaves stay attractive throughout the summer. The much branched, sticky-glandular plants grow 6 to 18 inches tall and produce clusters of flowers of various colors including white, red,...
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Lungworts and Bellflowers from the Genus Mertensia
You may be familiar with lungworts (Pulmonaria) and bluebells (Campanula) but there is another genus also known by those two names - Mertensia. There are about 50 species found throughout the north temperate regions of the world (18 from North America).
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Agapanthus, the Beautiful African Lily
Each cluster may have up to 100 florets, and the stalks may reach up to 6 feet or more tall in some species. The evergreen species need to be lifted and divided at least every four years or so to ensure flowering, but the deciduous species are best left...
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Speedwells for the Border
Popular cultivars of V. This article will introduce you to the taller types of speedwells; the species, cutlivars and hybrids that make ideal plants to use in the middle or back of the border.
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The Story of Iris Part 8 - Pearls of Wisdom
What is their greatest pearl of wisdom for growing iris? The moral – do it right the first time. Never take a short cut because, in time, you will have paid twice the blood sweat and tears.Every three years is the golden rule of most iris.
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Ever Run Through a Field of Wild Daisies? Here\'s the best hybrid, Shasta!
There have now been over 100 named varieties introduced since 1901. Deadheading extends the blooming season. The name ‘Shasta Daisy' supposedly comes from Burbank comparing the crisp white petals to the pure white snow on Mt. Shasta.
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Meadow Cranesbill - Standing the Test of Time
Imagine a purple-leaved 'Black Beauty' with white or pink-edged leavesa the stuff of dreams!I would like to thank the following people for the use of their pictures: With the recent surge of new cultivars this plant will be with us for many years...
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The Story of Iris Part 3 -Tone, Growth, and Bloom
Get the right plant in the right place and they will reward you but get a plant in a place were it is less than happy and the blooms will suffer. With some checking you can find out which irises have been known to bloom out in your local area..
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The Story of Iris Part 2 - How to pick your iris
If you have the money, or if you can wait for the new toys a little while, you can have a wonderful collection that will be united not only by simple color, or space, or form, but will be a single volume of work by one author.
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Velox: A New Plant is Born
They point out that it is either anor interfamilial cross, since Verbena and Phlox are in separate families, albeit within the same order, Polemoniales. However, both theof Velox and the information on the Velox trials at
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A Short History of the Chrysanthemum
Although a chrysanthemum appears to be one large bloom, its head is actually composed of numerous small florets.The mum's combination of disk and ray flowers has allowed plant breeders to create a variety of showy and sophisticated forms.
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Spiderwort Hybrids - Tradescantia X andersoniana
These includeThe miniature cultivars 'Satin Doll' and 'Little Doll'If foliage is your preference, then its hard to beat, also known as ‘Sweet Kate'. In my own garden, I am getting volunteer seedlings which are like none of the cultivars I currently...
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