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Block That Noise: Why Every Farmer Needs Earplugs or Earmuffs
Greater numbers are better, though, unfortunately, the bare numbers are based on best-case scenarios and usually don't reveal exactly how much protection you'll receive. When I work with loud machines, I wear a pair of noise-cancelling earmuffs.
A Peek at the Holiday Nursery
From what I hear, it was a pretty decent year for independent garden centers, so I wasn't surprised to see that they didn't have a lot of green goods remaining on the nursery shelves and greenhouse benches.
8 Snow Removal Tools To Keep Paths Clear This Winter
Walk-Behind Snow Blower This type of snowblower might give you a workout, but don't underestimate the snow-clearing abilities of these fine machines. That said, rear-mounted snowblowers can also be significantly cheaper than front-mounted ones.
The Numbers of Leaves
10 Oct 2008Cornell University. In just a few months, we were overwhelmed and not equipped to handle the knee-deep yard of leaves. Some rake and blow them onto tarps to be hauled away on trucks and trailers to the landfill.
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What Are Rosette Bud Mites – Learn About Bud Mite Symptoms And Control
Hopefully, you find bud mites and not adelgids, which can be deadly to Fraser firs.Rosette bud mite control is difficult since the pests reside inside the Fraser fir bud. The upside to treating for bud mites is it allows you to control other Fraser fir...
Clean Up Fallen Leaves Easier With These Tools
Still, the task is worthwhile when you consider that leaves can be used as mulch or added to your compost bin, turning them into useful products for your farm . By spreading it on the ground, you can rake the leaves onto the tarp, then grab the corners...
Pachysandra, the Shade Gardener\'s Friend
The woody stems, particularly on older plants, are somewhat brittle; accidentally breaking them means that you snap off the whole plant at the ground level. Pachysandra tolerates a wide range of soils, from moist to well-drained and from clay-like to...
El Segundo
Artificial Lawn Grass: Information On Artificial Lawn Pros And Cons
Newer artificial grass is manufactured to feel and look much like its natural counterpart. This is an important consideration during the current drought (and saves time, too)., which means no toxic chemicals seeping into the groundwater.Artificial lawn...
Strawberry Leafroller Damage: Protecting Plants From Leafroller Insects
Significant populations may interfere with the formation of runners.Use a leaf blower to remove the decaying debris under the strawberry plants where the larvae and pupa overwinter.and spinosad sprays are both effective in treating young larvae.
Putting Your Roses to Bed for Winter
If the plant is too large for the cone, prune it back just enough so that it will fit. Those of us that live in the colder climates have to take a few extra steps to make sure our roses make it through the winter and will be ready to come to life in the...
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Winter in Bucharest isn\'t what it used to be
People were walking through the snowstorm, right in the middle of the street. On the other hand, the snowmen couldn't be made unless the outside temperatures were warmer and the snow was starting to thaw, so it could stick together in huge snow balls.
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A Special Rose From My Mom
I want to share this miracle with you. My mom reached out to me across the Rainbow Bridge with a special rose to help me through the worst time of my life. You see, the bushes were put in by the gardeners as a request from my mom, and not really part...
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Big Advice for Your Small Farm Machines
We know this from experience, as we had this happen and were unable to start the machine until it thawed out, costing us quite a bit of time. For these reasons, many people opt to fill the tank almost full with stabilized fuel.
Leaf-Footed Bugs and How to Manage Them
But for the past three growing seasons, there's been increasing numbers of this pest in my veggie patch. Up until the last three years, I seldom saw leaf-footed bugs in my Pennsylvania garden.
Fruit Split In Cherries: Learn Why Cherry Fruits Split Open
Ideally, do not plant Bing cherry trees; try one of those less prone to cherry fruits splitting open.As for me, the tree is here and has been for dozens of years. I have a Bing cherry in the front yard and, frankly, it's so old it has a dearth of issues.
Gazing balls
From stately, classically designed gardens to quaint cottage yards, all across the world gazing balls can be seen: They are available in stainless steel in many different colors, hand-blown, richly colored glass, ceramic, solid copper and even gazing...
El Segundo
Why Every Farmer Should Keep Drawers of Spare Parts
The diameter was perfect, the length was perfect—it was seemingly made for my mower, with the only difference being that this bolt would be held in place by a nut rather than a cotter pin.
Gear Up For Winter With A To-Do List For Farm Tools
In fact, where I live in northern Wisconsin, it's not uncommon to have snowfall in October, and you can count on the ground being frozen and winter setting in during of November. Safety goggles (to protect your eyes) and salt (which lowers the freezing...
Plow Snow With Your Lawn Mower Or ATV/UTV
You can also increase the weight of your tractor or ATV/UTV by carrying heavy objects (such as sandbags) above the drive wheels; the extra weight will press down and give the tires better traction on slippery ground.
Riding in the Rain
Apavia Riding in the Rain During this weekend's storm, I enjoyed a refreshing ride in the rain. Today I took it to the extreme — I mounted up Milagro and went out for a ride. No one was outside.
Greenhouse Tomato Plant Care: Tips For Growing Tomatoes In A Greenhouse
This may require cooling of the greenhouse during the day, or warming at night depending upon your also important and is provided by exhaust fans as well as proper spacing of the plants.
3 Reasons Everyone Needs A Ratchet-And-Socket Set
And because these bolts usually have to be installed in tight places without much room to maneuver, the ratchet will make tightening the nuts much faster. Machine Repair & Maintenance Even if you're just doing a little maintenance that won't require much...
Succulent Terrarium Care: How To Make A Succulent Terrarium And Care For It
Succulents will do well in almost any container. Succulent plants seem to like arid conditions and a desert or beach themed terrarium will provide the right conditions while adding some unexpected appeal in the home.Creating succulent terrariums doesn't...
Put Those Tools To Bed for Winter
The third category is a catch-all for the remaining "stuff" such as hoses, sprinklers systems, fountains and the like.There are two schools of thought regarding overwintering of fuel; drain the tank or add a fuel stabilizer.
El Segundo
Why Understanding Pig Squeals Matters in Holistic Farming
Measured in decibels (Db), or the intensity of a noise, a pig squeal (around 115 Db) is about as deafening as a jet engine (130 Db). That squeal is pretty loud, but just how loud? Farmers who run small operations or hobby farms might not suffer from noise-induced...
7 Safety Tips for a Controlled Burn
A leaf blower can clear flammable debris from a firebreak or help speed up a lingering fire. If you're not close enough to use a garden hose, have a backpack water sprayer or a water tank on a trailer with a gas-powered pump so you can suppress wayward...
8 Tips to Energy Efficiency
You can find a wide selection of fixtures that use LED lighting. Analyze your home environment carefully to make sure you get the same or better luminosity than before. In the winter, this transfers heat from the warm air that leaves the house to the...