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All Herbs, All the Time
Add remaining ingredients and more olive oil or salt if desired. The oils remain much more concentrated because the leaves aren't being handled,” she explains. Add almonds instead of pine nuts.
From All Sides
« More Restore Farmhouse Order» Tags renovation Adding siding to the farmhouse has not only made me feel more confident in our design plan and living situation but also has reassured delivery trucks and mail carriers that this is in fact a residence...
All About Squash
Winter squash belongs to the botanical family Cucurbitaceae , which comprises 119 genera and approximately 825 species. All berries produced by the Cucurbitaceae family are labeled pepos .
All About Dahlias
The roots spread out near the surface.• Remove the tuber from the soil. Such dahlias offer flowers than range from 10-12" or more across; plants grow to be several feet tall. Check them occasionally during storage to make sure they aren't drying out.
El Segundo
All-Terrain Farming
For half the cost of a new subcompact tractor, I could get similar horsepower, more maneuverability and much higher speeds. After spending hours on the Internet exploring tools and options, I found the final link in my chain of decisions: Concord Equipment...
All About Pack Goats
“You can transport them with ease in a truck, van or even your car.” Miller also notes that goats are easier on the environment than larger pack animals because they don't erode the trails and they leave the same traces as a deer.
Carpenter Bees: All Bluff
First, the good news--as bold and buzzy as they seem, those big black bees that challenge you will not hurt you! Despite the nuisance of buzzing you or producing a little sawdust here and there,
El Segundo
Using All Workshop Space
<< More Shop Talk >> Tags Jim Ruen , workshop When I set out to tuck my workshop into an 8- by 12-foot shed, I knew I needed to plan to use all available space. Scrap-wood “stops” at the end of the panel would allow it to swing down but not off the...
Calling All Home Chefs
Sponsored by Organic Creamery, DCI Cheese Company's line of certified-organic cheeses, the contest is simple: Submit a recipe that showcases Organic Creamery cheese for the chance to win an eco-friendly prize for your kitchen.
Food Justice for All
The deadline is Dec. Tags food justice , food systems , WhyHunger The Community Learning Project for Food Justice builds on those age-old connections. Although Chrisman declined to provide details on the number of applicants who have applied, she is pleased...
Simple Citrus All-Purpose Cleaner
Not only do they help to get the house clean, but my favorites have great uplifting scents that always seem to help the cleaning process. This cleaner only takes minutes to mix together, and it has a great citrus scent that will help lift your mood.
Soon We\'ll All Know GMOs
These companies are labeling most all of the GM foods that you'll come across: “Food is exempt from labeling in Vermont if it is a direct animal product, like meat and eggs, is certified as non-GMO, if none of the ingredients have a genetically modified...
Thanksgiving, the All-American Holiday
As the holiday spread throughout the country, regional produce and seasonings have contributed each area's own unique flavor variations to the menu.“The First Thanksgiving” , c.
El Segundo
Do Azaleas Bloom All Summer?
Without this cold weather they will bloom for a longer time, but sporadically, instead of simultaneously. Since most azaleas bloom only once a year, for about two weeks, planting several varieties of azaleas allows you to enjoy a profusion of blooms for...
Santa Monica
Locavore Recipe: All-Purpose Casserole
In addition, while the original I'll share here uses feta cheese, you can essentially use up whatever cheeses you have around: cheddar, jack or Swiss, for example. Serves 4-8, depending Ingredients 2-3 cups cooked chopped greens, such as Swiss chard ,...
Low-cost compost for all
I managed to bring home 52 yards last spring with 1 tank of diesel; my average cost was $2 a yard. Yes I am aware of the problems with horse compost, such as weeds, and the fact that most horse barns use cedar shavings in the stalls.
El Segundo
Chickens: Where It All Began
Ivey Harlow My husband, Kipp, and I found our farm nestled in the hills of southern Ohio. But before I get ahead of myself, let's go back to where it all began: chickens. Our first project was to convert a section of it into a chicken coop.
It all starts in a seed
And this is indeed the sole reason for flowers to bloom, species preservation, sorry for the romantic part (which is an important ingredient of life for us French!) but flowers are not meant just to be offered to your charming lady neighbour, they are...
El Segundo
Daylilies That Bloom All Summer Long
When you divide, leave at least four fans in each division. Daylily clumps contain individual plants with a fan-shaped group of leaves attached to roots. Some daylilies with double flowers also reliably rebloom, likex "Night Embers").
Santa Monica
Shrubs That Stay Green All Winter
In addition to making natural screens and windbreaks and reducing noise, they also provide food for wildlife and year-round interest in the garden or yard. Common boxwood is preferred for formal hedges and topiary.Lavender is a sometimes overlooked as...
Santa Monica
Stinging Nettles are Not All Bad
I have done this for some years without success, but on 31 August 2006, I did find a lot of caterpillars feeding on the nettles in Morwell National Park in Victoria, Australia. I thought I would put it in the jar with the other caterpillars (to share...
El Segundo
Snapdragons Delight Gardeners of All Ages
To get the most of cut snaps, select full flower heads that show no sign of aging and that have stems with flowers in three stages of development. Gardeners in the South are heading to the nurseries to make their selections about now while those who live...
El Segundo
Goldie and the Heal All Plant
Aunt Bett would not talk on the newfangled thing, but she would ask me to make any calls that she needed made. It does have a bittery taste, but that is from the tannin in its leaves, and the bitterness can be removed by washing the leaves well.
El Segundo
Weeds: A Curse To All Gardeners
Garlic mustard gained a foothold and almost engulfed the entire undeveloped area. Unfortunately, these problematic weeds are often first discovered in turf., also known as creeping jenny or wild morning glory, was first introduced to the U.S. from Europe...
El Segundo
What Shrubs Keep Leaves All Winter?
Bushes and shrubs define the stage on which frilly annuals and generously flowering perennials perform their colorful dances of a summer's day. For best results, plant them in sun-dappled areas in USDA zones 6 to 9 where they grow into 1-foot mounds.
Santa Monica
Bed Building: Putting It All Together
All we need now is a mattress. Once that was established, a few screws took care of the rest. That was a good omen for what was to come. This is only exceeded by the trepidations that come with seeing a bolt, nut or screw left over.
Feeling Worm And Fuzzy All Over
Well, it's a worm-kind of rapid, but still … I didn't buy my worms; rather, I spent a pleasant afternoon in very old clothes crawling around on a manure pile at the horse ranch in my 'hood, sifting through the top layer and plucking out free-range red...